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Journal of Youth and Adolescence


2024 (Editie 53 | 11 Uitgave)

nov 24

Uitgave: 11/2024

Special Section: Promoting Ethnic-Racial-Cultural Identity Formation in Adolescence: New Findings from the Identity Project in Europe and the US. Special Section Editors: Maja K. Schachner, Ughetta Moscardino, and Brit Oppedal; Additional Regular Papers
jan 24

Uitgave: 1/2024

Special Issue on Emotion Recognition, Regulation and Socialization: A Broad Look at Influences and Outcomes

2023 (Editie 52 | 12 Uitgave)

2022 (Editie 51 | 12 Uitgave)

2021 (Editie 50 | 12 Uitgave)

dec 21

Uitgave: 12/2021

Special Section: Youth Exposure to Online Risks: Theory, Predictors, and Consequences. Special Section Editors: Michelle F Wright, Sebastian Wachs, Jennifer D Shapka, and Hezron Zacharia Onditi; Additional Regular Papers and Book Review
mrt 21

Uitgave: 3/2021

Special Section: Doing Better than Expected: The Role of Individual Agency in Social Mobility Research. Special Section Editors: Ingrid Schoon and Jutta Heckhausen; Additional Regular Papers and Book Reviews

2020 (Editie 49 | 12 Uitgave)

aug 20

Uitgave: 8/2020

Special Issue: Links among Parents, Parenting, Family Life and Adolescent Development
mrt 20

Uitgave: 3/2020

Special Issue: Peer Relationships: Risks, Protective and Promotive Dimensions
jan 20

Uitgave: 1/2020

Special issue: Parents and their Parenting Influences on Adolescents

2019 (Editie 48 | 12 Uitgave)

nov 19

Uitgave: 11/2019

Special Issue: Communal, Interpersonal and Individual Influences on Adolescent Well-being

2018 (Editie 47 | 12 Uitgave)

jun 18

Uitgave: 6/2018

Special Issue: Schooling, Diversity, and Inequality: Understanding Intersections that Shape Developmental Experiences and Outcomes
apr 18

Uitgave: 4/2018

Special Section: Developing Identities: Individual and Social Resources
feb 18

Uitgave: 2/2018

Special Issue: Parsing Out Familial Influences on Adolescent Development

2017 (Editie 46 | 12 Uitgave)

okt 17

Uitgave: 10/2017

Special Issue: Social Inequality, Life Course Transitions, and Adolescent Development
jul 17

Uitgave: 7/2017

Special Issue: Adolescents in Justice Systems: Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare and Public Assistance
jun 17

Uitgave: 6/2017

Special Issue: Character Development in Adolescence: Theoretical and Empirical Bases
apr 17

Uitgave: 4/2017

Special Issue: Depressive Symptoms, Internalizing Behaviors and Wellbeing
mrt 17

Uitgave: 3/2017

Special Issue: Evaluating Youth Development Interventions: Results from Random Controlled Trials and Measures of Effectiveness
jan 17

Uitgave: 1/2017

Special Issue: Adversity, Stress and Distress

2016 (Editie 45 | 12 Uitgave)

okt 16

Uitgave: 10/2016

Special Issue: Discrepancies in Adolescent–Parent Perceptions of the Family and Adolescent Adjustment
sep 16

Uitgave: 9/2016

Special Issue: Developmental Roots and Effects of Victimization and Externalizing Behavior
jul 16

Uitgave: 7/2016

Special Issue: Understanding Diversity and Inequality: Dimensions Ranging from Race, Ethnicity, Immigration and Sexual Identity to Social Class
jun 16

Uitgave: 6/2016

Special Issue: Academic Success: Peer, Parent, Teacher, Ethnic, Community, and Genetic Influences
mei 16

Uitgave: 5/2016

Special Issue: Understanding Wanted and Unwanted Relationships
mrt 16

Uitgave: 3/2016

Special Issue: Internalizing Behavior and Well-being: Exploring Biological, Psychological, Community and Cultural Dimensions

2015 (Editie 44 | 12 Uitgave)

dec 15

Uitgave: 12/2015

Special Issue: Prosocial Behavior: Understanding and Shaping its Multiple Dimensions
okt 15

Uitgave: 10/2015

Special Issue: Illicit Substance Use: Developmental Influences and Transitions
sep 15

Uitgave: 9/2015

Special Issue: Untangling Parental Involvement’s Effects
aug 15

Uitgave: 8/2015

Special Issue: Genetic Influences on Peer and Family Relationships Across Development, Part II
jul 15

Uitgave: 7/2015

Special Issue: Genetic Influences on Peer and Family Relationships Across Development
jun 15

Uitgave: 6/2015

Special Issue: Revisiting Diversity and Adjustment: Poverty, Immigration, and Minority Youth
apr 15

Uitgave: 4/2015

Special Issue: Diversity in Internalizing Symptoms and Behaviors
feb 15

Uitgave: 2/2015

Special Issue: Sleep Functioning in Adolescents’ Development and Adjustment

2014 (Editie 43 | 12 Uitgave)

dec 14

Uitgave: 12/2014

Special Issue: Latino Youth: New Directions in Understanding Familial, Peer, and Cultural Socialization Forces
okt 14

Uitgave: 10/2014

Special Issue: Marginalization, Diversity, and Wellbeing
sep 14

Uitgave: 9/2014

Special Issue: Social Networks, Neighborhoods, and Communities
jun 14

Uitgave: 6/2014

Special Issue: Thriving across the Adolescent Years: Findings from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development
mrt 14

Uitgave: 3/2014

Special Issue: Challenges and Resilience of Indigenous Adolescents for Positive Youth Development

2013 (Editie 42 | 12 Uitgave)

sep 13

Uitgave: 9/2013

Special Issue: Longitudinal and Contextual Influences on Educational Engagement, Transitions, Attainment, and Achievement
aug 13

Uitgave: 8/2013

Special Issue: Longitudinal Studies Exploring the Trajectories, Outcomes, and Sources of Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms
mei 13

Uitgave: 5/2013

Special Issue: New Directions in Cyber-Aggression and Cyber-Victimization Research
apr 13

Uitgave: 4/2013

Special Issue: Longitudinal Predictors of Teen Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization
feb 13

Uitgave: 2/2013

Special Issue: Correlates and Consequences of Antisocial Behavior among Low Income, Urban Youth
jan 13

Uitgave: 1/2013

Special Section: Thriving in Context: Findings from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development

2012 (Editie 41 | 12 Uitgave)

jan 12

Uitgave: 1/2012

Special Issue: Understanding Obesity Risks and Consequences Among Youth and Adolescents

2011 (Editie 40 | 12 Uitgave)

okt 11

Uitgave: 10/2011

Special Issue: Pubertal Timing Effects: A New Generation of Studies
sep 11

Uitgave: 9/2011

Special Issue: Rural Adolescents: Developmental Challenges and Adaptations

2010 (Editie 39 | 12 Uitgave)

2009 (Editie 38 | 10 Uitgave)

2008 (Editie 37 | 10 Uitgave)

2007 (Editie 36 | 8 Uitgave)

2006 (Editie 35 | 6 Uitgave)

2005 (Editie 34 | 6 Uitgave)