Uitgave 5/2023
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
- Empirical Research
Attachment to Peers and School: Longitudinal Moderators of the Relation Between Caregiver Psychological Distress and Adolescent Hopelessness
Lisa M. Hooper, Sei-Young Lee, Sara Tomek, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Grace Kim, Wesley T. Church II
- Correction
Correction: Attachment to Peers and School: Longitudinal Moderators of the Relation between Caregiver Psychological Distress and Adolescent Hopelessness
Lisa M. Hooper, Sei-Young Lee, Sara Tomek, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Grace Kim, Wesley T. Church II, John Bolland
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Addressing Adolescents’ Prejudice toward Immigrants: The Role of the Classroom Context
Flavia Albarello, Sara Manganelli, Elisa Cavicchiolo, Fabio Lucidi, Andrea Chirico, Fabio Alivernini
- Empirical Research
Online Racial Discrimination, Critical Consciousness, and Psychosocial Distress Among Black and Latino Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model
Alvin Thomas, Adrian Gale, Alexandrea R. Golden
- Empirical Research
Contextual Influence of School-Level Gender Role Attitudes and Sexual Prejudice on Allyship, Bullying, and Internalized Homonegativity
Randolph C. H. Chan, Marcus Shengkai Lam
- Empirical Research
The Bridge between Cybervictimization and Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents: A Vicious Cycle of Hopelessness
Xingchao Wang, Shiyin Wang
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
When Too Much Help is of No Help: Mothers’ and Fathers’ Perceived Overprotective Behavior and (Mal)Adaptive Functioning in Adolescents
İldeniz B. Arslan, Nicole Lucassen, Loes Keijsers, Gonneke W. J. M. Stevens
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Growing Up in the Great Recession: The Effects of Three Dimensions of Economic Well-being on Child Behavioral Difficulties from Ages 3 to 17
Ryan Alberto Gibbons, Stefanie Sprong, Yekaterina Chzhen
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Association between School Contexts and the Development of Subjective Well-Being during Adolescence: A Context-Sensitive Longitudinal Study of Life Satisfaction and School Satisfaction
Yi-Jhen Wu, Michael Becker
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Longitudinal Association between Maternal Autonomy Support and Controlling Parenting and Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms
Ayumi Tanaka, Ayame Tamura, Ryo Ishii, Shin-ichi Ishikawa, Naoki Nakazato, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Michiko Sakaki, Takashi Suzuki, Kou Murayama
- Empirical Research
Patterns of Personality Development and Psychosocial Functioning in Japanese Adolescents: A Four-Wave Longitudinal Study
Kai Hatano, Shogo Hihara, Kazumi Sugimura, Tetsuya Kawamoto
- Empirical Research
Interest, Mindsets and Engagement: Longitudinal Relations in Science Orientations for Adolescents in Informal Science Programs
Angelina Joy, Channing J. Mathews, Mengya Zhao, Fidelia Law, Luke McGuire, Adam J. Hoffman, Frances Balkwill, Karen P. Burns, Laurence Butler, Marc Drews, Grace Fields, Hannah Smith, Emine Ozturk, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Rutland, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Kelly Lynn Mulvey
- Empirical Research
Pathways to Depressive Symptoms in a Digital Environment: The Role of Trait Affectivity and Mediation of Media Response Styles in Adolescence
Nausikaä Brimmel, Patricia Bijttebier, Steven Eggermont
- Correction
Correction: Dimensions of Athletic Identity and their Associations with Drinking Behaviors among a National Sample of University Athletes in the United States
Alan Meca, Kelsie Allison, Richie Kubilus, Janine V. Olthuis, Jennifer E. Merrill, Byron L. Zamboanga, David Wyrick, Jeffrey J. Milroy, Kyla Carr
- Correction
Correction: Identity Formation, Body Image, and Body-Related Symptoms: Developmental Trajectories and Associations Throughout Adolescence
Lore Vankerckhoven, Leni Raemen, Laurence Claes, Steven Eggermont, Nina Palmeroni, Koen Luyckx