Uitgave 8/2016
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Suicide Attempts: The Mediating Influence of Personality Development and Problem Behaviors
- Empirical Research
Nicholas M. Perez, Wesley G. Jennings, Alex R. Piquero, Michael T. Baglivio
Contextual Determinants of Adolescent Perceived Early Fatality
- Empirical Research
Gregory M. Zimmerman, Carter Rees, Chelsea Farrell
A Preliminary Application of Social Cognitive Theory to Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
- Empirical Research
Penelope Hasking, Alyssa Rose
Understanding the Association Between School Climate and Future Orientation
- Empirical Research
Sarah Lindstrom Johnson, Elise Pas, Catherine P. Bradshaw
The Geography of Normative Climates: An Application to Adolescent Substance Use
- Empirical Research
Courtney R. Thrash, Tara D. Warner
Depressed Mood During Early to Middle Adolescence: A Bi-national Longitudinal Study of the Unique Impact of Family Conflict
- Empirical Research
Adrian B. Kelly, W. Alex Mason, Mary B. Chmelka, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Min Jung Kim, George C. Patton, Sheryl A. Hemphill, John W. Toumbourou, Richard F. Catalano
Bridging Multidimensional Models of Ethnic–Racial and Gender Identity Among Ethnically Diverse Emerging Adults
- Empirical Research
Antoinette R. Wilson, Campbell Leaper
Pathways to Youth Empowerment and Community Connectedness: A Study of Youth-Adult Partnership in Malaysian After-School, Co-Curricular Programs
- Empirical Research
Shepherd Zeldin, Steven Eric Krauss, Taehan Kim, Jessica Collura, Haslinda Abdullah
Bi-directional Effects of Peer Relationships and Adolescent Substance Use: A Longitudinal Study
- Empirical Research
Meghan H. McDonough, Paul E. Jose, Jaimee Stuart
Trajectories of Body Dissatisfaction and Dietary Restriction in Early Adolescent Girls: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
- Empirical Research
Rachel F. Rodgers, Siân A. McLean, Mathew Marques, Candice J. Dunstan, Susan J. Paxton
Does Media Literacy Mitigate Risk for Reduced Body Satisfaction Following Exposure to Thin-Ideal Media?
- Empirical Research
Siân A. McLean, Susan J. Paxton, Eleanor H. Wertheim
Peer Group Similarity in Perceptions of Pubertal Timing
- Empirical Research
Natalie Kretsch, Jane Mendle, Jessica Duncan Cance, Kathryn Paige Harden
Blum, L. M.: Raising Generation Rx: Mothering Kids with Invisible Disabilities in an Age of Inequality
- Book Review
Maurissa Amrhein