Uitgave 6/2005
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
Developmental Benefits of Extracurricular Involvement: Do Peer Characteristics Mediate the Link Between Activities and Youth Outcomes?
Jennifer A. Fredricks, Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Eating Problems and Their Risk Factors: A 7-Year Longitudinal Study of a Population Sample of Norwegian Adolescent Girls
Juliska Kansi, Lars Wichstrøm, Lars R. Bergman
Family Structure and Problem Behavior of Adolescents and Young Adults: A Growth-Curve Study
Inge VanderValk, Ed Spruijt, Martijn de Goede, Cora Maas, Wim Meeus
Adolescent Risk: The Co-Occurrence of Illness, Suicidality, and Substance Use
Gebhard Hüsler, Ronny Blakeney, Egon Werlen
Parental Predictors of Motivational Orientation in Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study
Phyllis Bronstein, Golda S. Ginsburg, Ingrid S. Herrera
The Structure and Stability of Externalizing and Internalizing Problem Behavior During Early Adolescence
E. Reitz, M. Deković, A. M. Meijer
Antecedents and Outcomes of Self-Determination in 3 Life Domains: The Role of Parents' and Teachers' Autonomy Support
Bart Soenens, Maarten Vansteenkiste
Identity Statuses Based on 4 Rather Than 2 Identity Dimensions: Extending and Refining Marcia's Paradigm
Koen Luyckx, Luc Goossens, Bart Soenens, Wim Beyers, Maarten Vansteenkiste
The Role of Sense of School Belonging and Gender in the Academic Adjustment of Latino Adolescents
Bernadette Sánchez, Yarí Colón, Patricia Esparza
Adolescent Boys and Body Image: Weight and Muscularity Concerns as Dual Pathways to Body Dissatisfaction
Diane Carlson Jones, Joy K. Crawford
Attachment to Parents, Best Friend, and Romantic Partner: Predicting Different Pathways to Depression in Adolescence
Stephanie K. Margolese, Dorothy Markiewicz, Anna Beth Doyle
A Prospective Study of Individual Factors in the Development of Weight and Muscle Concerns Among Preadolescent Children
Marissa Saling, Lina A. Ricciardelli, Marita P. McCabe