Uitgave 10/2016
Special Issue: Discrepancies in Adolescent–Parent Perceptions of the Family and Adolescent Adjustment
Inhoudsopgave (17 Artikelen)
- Editorial
Introduction to the Special Issue: Discrepancies in Adolescent–Parent Perceptions of the Family and Adolescent Adjustment
Andres De Los Reyes, Christine McCauley Ohannessian
- Empirical Research
Congruence of Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions of Parenting: A Meta-Analysis
Katherine E. Korelitz, Judy Garber
- Empirical Research
Is it About Me, You, or Us? Stress Reactivity Correlates of Discrepancies in We-Talk Among Parents and Preadolescent Children
Jessica L. Borelli, Patricia A. Smiley, Hannah F. Rasmussen, Anthony Gómez
- Empirical Research
Discrepancies in Adolescents’ and Mothers’ Perceptions of the Family and Mothers’ Psychological Symptomatology
Christine McCauley Ohannessian, Robert Laird, Andres De Los Reyes
- Empirical Research
Congruence and Incongruence in Adolescents’ and Parents’ Perceptions of the Family: Using Response Surface Analysis to Examine Links with Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment
Lauren J. Human, Melanie A. Dirks, Anita DeLongis, Edith Chen
- Empirical Research
Mother–Child Discrepancy in Perceived Family Functioning and Adolescent Developmental Outcomes in Families Experiencing Economic Disadvantage in Hong Kong
Janet T. Y. Leung, Daniel T. L. Shek, Lin Li
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Discrepancies Between Perceptions of the Parent–Adolescent Relationship and Early Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: An Illustration of Polynomial Regression Analysis
S. A. Nelemans, S. J. T. Branje, W. W. Hale III, L. Goossens, H. M. Koot, A. J. Oldehinkel, W. H. J. Meeus
- Empirical Research
Patterns and Predictors of Mother–Adolescent Discrepancies across Family Constructs
Wendy M. Rote, Judith G. Smetana
- Empirical Research
Parent–Adolescent Conflict in African American Families
Olivenne D. Skinner, Susan M. McHale
- Empirical Research
Agreement in Youth–Parent Perceptions of Parenting Behaviors: A Case for Testing Measurement Invariance in Reporter Discrepancy Research
Justin D. Russell, Rebecca A. Graham, Erin L. Neill, Carl F. Weems
- Empirical Research
Early Adolescents’ Unique Perspectives of Maternal and Paternal Rejection: Examining Their Across-Dyad Generalizability and Relations with Adjustment 1 Year Later
Justin Jager, Alissa Mahler, Danming An, Diane L. Putnick, Marc H. Bornstein, Jennifer E. Lansford, Kenneth A. Dodge, Ann T. Skinner, Kirby Deater-Deckard
- Empirical Research
Caregiver and Adolescent Discrepancies in Perceptions of Violence and Their Associations with Early Adolescent Aggression
Sarah Lindstrom Johnson, Raymond Reichenberg, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Denise L. Haynie, Tina L. Cheng
- Empirical Research
A Social Domain Approach to Informant Discrepancies in Parental Solicitation and Family Rules
Aaron Metzger, Elizabeth Babskie, Rebecca Olson, Katelyn Romm
- Empirical Research
Maternal Psychological Control and Its Association with Mother and Child Perceptions of Adolescent Adjustment: More Evidence on the Strength of Shared Perspectives
Olivia M. Valdes, Brett Laursen, Fanny A. Guimond, Amy C. Hartl, Jill Denner
- Empirical Research
A Longitudinal Test of the Parent–Adolescent Family Functioning Discrepancy Hypothesis: A Trend toward Increased HIV Risk Behaviors Among Immigrant Hispanic Adolescents
David Córdova, Seth J. Schwartz, Jennifer B. Unger, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Juan A. Villamar, Daniel W. Soto, Sabrina E. Des Rosiers, Tae Kyoung Lee, Alan Meca, Miguel Ángel Cano, Elma I. Lorenzo-Blanco, Assaf Oshri, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Brandy Piña-Watson, Andrea J. Romero
- Editorial
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Parent–Adolescent Discrepancies: Existing Findings and Future Directions
Leslie A. Rescorla