Uitgave 2/2021
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
- Empirical Research
Youth Initiated Mentoring: A Meta-analytic Study of a Hybrid Approach to Youth Mentoring
Levi van Dam, Danielle Blom, Esma Kara, Mark Assink, Geert-Jan Stams, Sarah Schwartz, Jean Rhodes
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Early Antecedents of School Burnout in Upper Secondary Education: A Five-year Longitudinal Study
Milja Parviainen, Kaisa Aunola, Minna Torppa, Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Kati Vasalampi
- Empirical Research
Gender-Specific Patterns of Teen Dating Violence in Heterosexual Relationships and their Associations with Attachment Insecurities and Emotion Dysregulation
Valérie Théorêt, Martine Hébert, Mylène Fernet, Martin Blais
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
The Role of Classmates’ Modeling and Reinforcement in Adolescents’ Perceived Classroom Peer Context
Esther C. A. Mertens, Maja Deković, Monique Van Londen, Ellen Reitz
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
The Link between Parental Support and Adolescent Negative Mood in Daily Life: between-Person Heterogeneity in within-Person Processes
Loes H. C. Janssen, Bernet M. Elzinga, Bart Verkuil, Manon H. J. Hillegers, Loes Keijsers
- Empirical Research
Peer-Related Factors as Moderators between Overt and Social Victimization and Adjustment Outcomes in Early Adolescence
Jill M. Swirsky, Hongling Xie
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Bidirectional Associations between Popularity, Popularity Goal, and Aggression, Alcohol Use and Prosocial Behaviors in Adolescence: A 3-Year Prospective Longitudinal Study
Sarah T. Malamut, Yvonne H. M. van den Berg, Tessa A. M. Lansu, Antonius H. N. Cillessen
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
The Relations and Role of Social Competencies and Belonging with Math and Science Interest and Efficacy for Adolescents in Informal STEM Programs
Adam J. Hoffman, Luke McGuire, Adam Rutland, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Matthew J. Irvin, Mark Winterbottom, Frances Balkwill, Grace E. Fields, Kelly Lynn Mulvey
- Empirical Research
Linking Maternal Depression to Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms: Transmission of Cognitive Vulnerabilities
Erin E. Dunning, Brae Anne McArthur, Lyn Y. Abramson, Lauren B. Alloy
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Which Boys and Which Girls Are Falling Behind? Linking Adolescents’ Gender Role Profiles to Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement
Junlin Yu, Ros McLellan, Liz Winter
- Empirical Research
Homophobic Bullying in Positive and Negative School Climates: The Moderating Role of Gender Sexuality Alliances
Salvatore Ioverno, Stephen T. Russell
- Empirical Research
Examining the Interdependence of Parent-adolescent Acculturation Gaps on Acculturation-based Conflict: Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
Meme Wang-Schweig, Brenda A. Miller
- Book Review
Catherine E. Rymph: Raising Government Children: A History of Foster Care and the American Welfare State
Alexandra E. Schnarre
- Book Review
Emily Horowitz: Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us
Hamilton Dickey