Uitgave 10/2021
Inhoudsopgave (13 Artikelen)
Adolescents’ Judgment of Homophobic Name-Calling: The Role of Peer/Friend Context and Emotional Response
- Empirical Research
Yueyao Wang, Christopher Marosi, Megan Edgin, Stacey S. Horn
A Within-Individual Examination of the Predictors of Gun Carrying During Adolescence and Young Adulthood Among Young Men
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Jordan Beardslee, Emily Kan, Cortney Simmons, Dustin Pardini, Monica Peniche, Paul J. Frick, Laurence Steinberg, Elizabeth Cauffman
Longitudinal Intra-Individual and Inter-Individual Relations Between Cognitive and Emotional Self-Regulation Across Adolescence
- Empirical Research
Madison K. Memmott-Elison, Kristin L. Moilanen
Bystanders to Prevent Peer Sexual Violence: Understanding Patterns of Prosocial Behavior Over Time from Early to Later Adolescence
- Empirical Research
Victoria Banyard, Emily Waterman, Katie Edwards
Bullying and Victimization Trajectories in the First Years of Secondary Education: Implications for Status and Affection
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Elsje de Vries, Tessa M. L. Kaufman, René Veenstra, Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, Gijs Huitsing
What Happens After School? Linking Latino Adolescents’ Activities and Exposure to Community Violence
- Empirical Research
Rosario Ceballo, James A. Cranford, Francheska Alers-Rojas, Rosanne M. Jocson, Traci M. Kennedy
Bullying Perpetration, Moral Disengagement and Need for Popularity: Examining Reciprocal Associations in Adolescence
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Eva M. Romera, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Kevin Runions, Antonio Camacho
Affective Benefits of Parental Engagement with Adolescent Positive Daily Life Experiences
- Empirical Research
Julianne M. Griffith, Benjamin L. Hankin
Changes in Patterns of Social Role Combinations at Ages 25–26 among Those Growing Up in England between 1996 and 2015–16: Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort and Next Steps Studies
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Thierry Gagné, Amanda Sacker, Ingrid Schoon
Longitudinal Associations between Internalizing Symptoms, Dispositional Mindfulness, Rumination and Impulsivity in Adolescents
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Estíbaliz Royuela-Colomer, Liria Fernández-González, Izaskun Orue
Inhibitory Control Mediates the Associations Between Parenting Practices and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Gene
- Empirical Research
Yanmiao Cao, Guanghui Chen, Linqin Ji, Wenxin Zhang
How Do Chinese Youth in Hong Kong Evaluate Maternal Guilt and Shame Induction? Age, Form, and Domain Differences
- Empirical Research
Judith G. Smetana, Jenny Y. P. Yau, Wendy M. Rote
Shyness and Psychological Maladjustment in Chinese Adolescents: Selection and Influence Processes in Friendship Networks
- Empirical Research
Panpan Yang, Gangmin Xu, Siman Zhao, Dan Li, Junsheng Liu, Xinyin Chen