Uitgave 3/2022
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
Adolescents’ Partner Search in the Digital Age: Correlates and Characteristics of Relationships Initiated Online
- Empirical Research
Marta Tienda, Rachel E. Goldberg, Jay R. Westreich
The Art of Social Justice: Examining Arts Programming as a Context for Critical Consciousness Development Among Youth
- Empirical Research
Deanna A. Ibrahim, Erin B. Godfrey, Elise Cappella, Esther Burson
Assessing the Link between Adolescents’ Awareness of Inequality and Civic Engagement across Time and Racial/Ethnic Groups
- Empirical Research
Jason Anthony Plummer, Laura Wray-Lake, Lauren Alvis, Aaron Metzger, Amy K. Syvertsen
Parenting, Peers and Psychosocial Adjustment: Are the Same—or Different—Children Affected by Each?
- Empirical Research
Kristina Sayler, Xiaoya Zhang, Laurence Steinberg, Jay Belsky
Early Timing and Determinants of the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Internalizing Psychopathology: A Prospective Cohort Study from Ages 3 to 15
- Empirical Research
John E. Pachankis, Kirsty A. Clark, Daniel N. Klein, Lea R. Dougherty
Sexual Minority Status, Bullying Exposure, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Delinquency Among Court-Involved Adolescent Girls
- Empirical Research
Andrew P. Barnett, Christopher D. Houck, David Barker, Christie J. Rizzo
Adolescents’ Perception of Their Sexual Self, Relational Capacities, Attitudes Towards Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Practices: a Descriptive Analysis
- Empirical Research
Judith Kotiuga, Maya A. Yampolsky, Geneviève M. Martin
Does Self-control Outdo IQ in Predicting Academic Performance?
- Empirical Research
Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Magda Javakhishvili, Marek Blatny
Longitudinal Associations Between Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Romantic Relationships in Late Adolescence
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Daniek H. J. Joosten, Stefanie A. Nelemans, Wim Meeus, Susan Branje
Longitudinal Links of Individual and Collective Morality with Adolescents’ Peer Aggression
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Gianluca Gini, Robert Thornberg, Kay Bussey, Federica Angelini, Tiziana Pozzoli
Long-Term Effects of Acceptance and Rejection by Parents and Peers on Educational Attainment: A Study from Pre-Adolescence to Early Adulthood
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Sofie J. Lorijn, Maaike C. Engels, Mark Huisman, René Veenstra
Identifying Specific Emotion Regulation Deficits that Associate with Nonsuicidal Self-injury and Suicide Ideation in Adolescents
- Empirical Research
Amy M. Brausch, Rebekah B. Clapham, Andrew K. Littlefield
Profiles of Anxious and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: Associations with Coping Strategies
- Empirical Research
Elizabeth Olivier, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Kristel Tardif-Grenier, Isabelle Archambault, Véronique Dupéré, Corinne Hébert
Young Adult Adaptability to the Social Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Protective Role of Friendships
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Jaana Juvonen, Leah M. Lessard, Naomi G. Kline, Sandra Graham