Uitgave 2/2018
Special Issue: Parsing Out Familial Influences on Adolescent Development
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
- Empirical Research
Family First? The Costs and Benefits of Family Centrality for Adolescents with High-Conflict Families
Cynthia X. Yuen, Andrew J. Fuligni, Nancy Gonzales, Eva H. Telzer
- Empirical Research
Adolescents’ Conflict Management Styles with Mothers: Longitudinal Associations with Parenting and Reactance
Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx, Susan Branje, Stijn Van Petegem
- Empirical Research
A Developmental Perspective on Reentry: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Family Conflict and Peer Delinquency during Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Thomas J. Mowen, John H. Boman IV
- Empirical Research
Individual Differences in Adolescents’ Emotional Reactivity across Relationship Contexts
Emily C. Cook, Bethany L. Blair, Cheryl Buehler
- Empirical Research
The Role of Family for Youth Friendships: Examining a Social Anxiety Mechanism
Hio Wa Mak, Gregory M. Fosco, Mark E. Feinberg
- Empirical Research
The Relationship Between Parents’ Intimate Partner Victimization and Youths’ Adolescent Relationship Abuse
Weiwei Liu, Elizabeth A. Mumford, Bruce G. Taylor
- Empirical Research
Developmental Pathways from Parental Socioeconomic Status to Adolescent Substance Use: Alternative and Complementary Reinforcement
Jungeun Olivia Lee, Junhan Cho, Yoewon Yoon, Mariel S. Bello, Rubin Khoddam, Adam M. Leventhal
- Empirical Research
The Developmental Unfolding of Sibling Influences on Alcohol Use over Time
Diana R. Samek, Rebecca J. Goodman, Lucy Riley, Matt McGue, William G. Iacono
- Empirical Research
Neighborhood, Family, and Peer Factors Associated with Early Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use
Christopher Cambron, Rick Kosterman, Richard F. Catalano, Katarina Guttmannova, J. David Hawkins
- Empirical Research
And What About Siblings? A Longitudinal Analysis of Sibling Effects on Youth’s Intergroup Attitudes
Katharina Eckstein, Jan Šerek, Peter Noack
- Empirical Research
Associations between Social Support from Family, Friends, and Teachers and depressive Symptoms in Adolescents
Patrick Pössel, Shelby M. Burton, Bridget Cauley, Michael G. Sawyer, Susan H. Spence, Jeanie Sheffield
- Empirical Research
Socialization Goals, Parental Psychological Control, and Youth Anxiety in Chinese Students: Moderated Indirect Effects based on School Type
Aaron M. Luebbe, Chunyue Tu, Joseph W. Fredrick
- Empirical Research
Parent–Adolescent Discrepancies in Reports of Parenting and Adolescent Outcomes in Mexican Immigrant Families
Yang Hou, Su Yeong Kim, Aprile D. Benner
- Empirical Research
The Protective Role of Parental Media Monitoring Style from Early to Late Adolescence
Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Sarah M. Coyne, Savannah L. Kroff, Madison K. Memmott-Elison
- Empirical Research
Longitudinal Associations between Maternal Involvement, Cultural Orientations, and Prosocial Behaviors Among Recent Immigrant Latino Adolescents
Alexandra N. Davis, Gustavo Carlo, Cara Streit, Seth J. Schwartz, Jennifer B. Unger, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Jose Szapocznik