Uitgave 10/2017
Special Issue: Social Inequality, Life Course Transitions, and Adolescent Development
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
- Editorial
Social Inequality, Life Course Transitions, and Adolescent Development: Introduction to the Special Issue
Marlis Buchmann, Annekatrin Steinhoff
- Empirical Research
Persistent Disadvantages or New Opportunities? The Role of Agency and Structural Constraints for Low-Achieving Adolescents’ School-to-Work Transitions
Anne Christine Holtmann, Laura Menze, Heike Solga
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Can Locus of Control Compensate for Socioeconomic Adversity in the Transition from School to Work?
Terry Ng-Knight, Ingrid Schoon
- Empirical Research
Understanding Students’ Transition to High School: Demographic Variation and the Role of Supportive Relationships
Aprile D. Benner, Alaina E. Boyle, Farin Bakhtiari
- Empirical Research
Transition to a New Country: Acculturative and Developmental Predictors for Changes in Self-Efficacy among Adolescent Immigrants
Peter F. Titzmann, Philipp Jugert
- Empirical Research
The Role of Ego-Resiliency as Mediator of the Longitudinal Relationship between Family Socio-Economic Status and School Grades
Guido Alessandri, Antonio Zuffianò, Nancy Eisenberg, Concetta Pastorelli
- Empirical Research
Youth’s Causal Beliefs About Success: Socioeconomic Differences and Prediction of Early Career Development
Joseph S. Kay, Jacob Shane, Jutta Heckhausen
- Empirical Research
Personality and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment: Evidence from Germany
Renee Ryberg, Shawn Bauldry, Michael A. Schultz, Annekatrin Steinhoff, Michael Shanahan
- Empirical Research
Pathways of Intergenerational Transmission of Advantages during Adolescence: Social Background, Cognitive Ability, and Educational Attainment
Wiebke Schulz, Reinhard Schunck, Martin Diewald, Wendy Johnson
- Empirical Research
Adolescent Agentic Orientations: Contemporaneous Family Influence, Parental Biography and Intergenerational Development
Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Steven Hitlin
- Empirical Research
Is the Scoutreach Initiative of Boy Scouts of America Linked to Character Development among Socioeconomically, Racially, and Ethnically Diverse Youth?: Initial Explorations
Jun Wang, Robey B. Champine, Kaitlyn A. Ferris, Rachel M. Hershberg, Daniel J. Warren, Brian M. Burkhard, Shaobing Su, Richard M. Lerner
- Empirical Research
Children’s and Adolescents’ Expectations about Challenging Unfair Group Norms
Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Melanie Killen