Uitgave 7/2014
Inhoudsopgave (27 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Original Paper
An Intervention for Sensory Difficulties in Children with Autism: A Randomized Trial
Roseann C. Schaaf, Teal Benevides, Zoe Mailloux, Patricia Faller, Joanne Hunt, Elke van Hooydonk, Regina Freeman, Benjamin Leiby, Jocelyn Sendecki, Donna Kelly
- Original Paper
Ethnicity Reporting Practices for Empirical Research in Three Autism-Related Journals
Nigel P. Pierce, Mark F. O’Reilly, Audrey M. Sorrells, Christina L. Fragale, Pamela J. White, Jeannie M. Aguilar, Heather A. Cole
- Original Paper
Shedding Light on a Pervasive Problem: A Review of Research on Bullying Experiences Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Jessica H. Schroeder, M. Catherine Cappadocia, James M. Bebko, Debra J. Pepler, Jonathan A. Weiss
- Original Paper
Validation of the Emotion Regulation and Social Skills Questionnaire for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Thomas W. Butterworth, M. Antoinette Redoblado Hodge, Kate Sofronoff, Renae Beaumont, Kylie M. Gray, Jacqueline Roberts, Siân K. Horstead, Kristina S. Clarke, Patricia Howlin, John R. Taffe, Stewart L. Einfeld
- Original Paper
Maternal Immune-Mediated Conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Developmental Delay
Kristen Lyall, Paul Ashwood, Judy Van de Water, Irva Hertz-Picciotto
- Original Paper
Paternal Autistic Traits are Predictive of Infants Visual Attention
Luca Ronconi, Andrea Facoetti, Hermann Bulf, Laura Franchin, Roberta Bettoni, Eloisa Valenza
- Original Paper
Psychometric Properties of the Mandarin Version of the Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST): An Exploratory Study
Xiang Sun, Carrie Allison, Bonnie Auyeung, Fiona E. Matthews, Samuel Norton, Simon Baron-Cohen, Carol Brayne
- Original Paper
A Meta-Analysis of Differences in IQ Profiles Between Individuals with Asperger’s Disorder and High-Functioning Autism
Hsu-Min Chiang, Luke Y. Tsai, Ying Kuen Cheung, Alice Brown, Huacheng Li
- Original Paper
Emulation and Mimicry in School Students with Typical Development and with High Functioning Autism
Luis Jiménez, María José Lorda, Cástor Méndez
- Original Paper
Determinants of Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Mélina Rivard, Amélie Terroux, Claudel Parent-Boursier, Céline Mercier
- Original Paper
Autism and Developmental Screening in a Public, Primary Care Setting Primarily Serving Hispanics: Challenges and Results
Gayle C. Windham, Karen S. Smith, Nila Rosen, Meredith C. Anderson, Judith K. Grether, Richard B. Coolman, Stephen Harris
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Autism Spectrum Disorder as Early Neurodevelopmental Disorder: Evidence from the Brain Imaging Abnormalities in 2–3 Years Old Toddlers
Zhou Xiao, Ting Qiu, Xiaoyan Ke, Xiang Xiao, Ting Xiao, Fengjing Liang, Bing Zou, Haiqing Huang, Hui Fang, Kangkang Chu, Jiuping Zhang, Yijun Liu
- Original Paper
Assessing the Utility of a Virtual Environment for Enhancing Facial Affect Recognition in Adolescents with Autism
Esubalew Bekele, Julie Crittendon, Zhi Zheng, Amy Swanson, Amy Weitlauf, Zachary Warren, Nilanjan Sarkar
- Original Paper
Effects of Observing Eye Contact on Gaze Following in High-Functioning Autism
Anne Böckler, Bert Timmermans, Natalie Sebanz, Kai Vogeley, Leonhard Schilbach
- Original Paper
Using Discrete Trial Training to Identify Specific Learning Impairments in Boys with Fragile X Syndrome
Scott S. Hall, Kristin M. Hustyi, Jennifer L. Hammond, Melissa Hirt, Allan L. Reiss
- Original Paper
Quantitative Linkage for Autism Spectrum Disorders Symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Significant Locus on Chromosome 7q11
Judith S. Nijmeijer, Alejandro Arias-Vásquez, Nanda N. J. Rommelse, Marieke E. Altink, Cathelijne J. M. Buschgens, Ellen A. Fliers, Barbara Franke, Ruud B. Minderaa, Joseph A. Sergeant, Jan K. Buitelaar, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Catharina A. Hartman
- Original Paper
Narrative Performance of Optimal Outcome Children and Adolescents with a History of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Joyce Suh, Inge-Marie Eigsti, Letitia Naigles, Marianne Barton, Elizabeth Kelley, Deborah Fein
- Original Paper
Impact of Sleepwise: An Intervention for Youth with Developmental Disabilities and Sleep Disturbance
Alicia H. B. Moss, Jocelynne E. Gordon, Annie O’Connell
- Original Paper
Overweight and Obesity: Prevalence and Correlates in a Large Clinical Sample of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Katharine E. Zuckerman, Alison P. Hill, Kimberly Guion, Lisa Voltolina, Eric Fombonne
- Original Paper
A Parent-Mediated Intervention That Targets Responsive Parental Behaviors Increases Attachment Behaviors in Children with ASD: Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial
Michael Siller, Meghan Swanson, Alan Gerber, Ted Hutman, Marian Sigman
- Original Paper
Young Friendship in HFASD and Typical Development: Friend Versus Non-friend Comparisons
Nirit Bauminger-Zviely, Galit Agam-Ben-Artzi
- Original Paper
Empathy and Empathy Induced Prosocial Behavior in 6- and 7-Year-Olds with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Peter K. H. Deschamps, Marieke Been, Walter Matthys
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Impression Formation in High-Functioning Autism: Role of Nonverbal Behavior and Stereotype Activating Information
Caroline Schwartz, Thomas Dratsch, Kai Vogeley, Gary Bente
- Brief Report
Emotion Dysregulation and the Core Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Andrea C. Samson, Jennifer M. Phillips, Karen J. Parker, Shweta Shah, James J. Gross, Antonio Y. Hardan
- Brief Report
Brief Report: “Quick and (not so) Dirty” Assessment of Change in Autism: Cross-Cultural Reliability of the Developmental Disabilities CGAS and the OSU Autism CGI
Nora Choque Olsson, Sven Bölte
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Reduced Grouping Interference in Children with ASD: Evidence from a Multiple Object Tracking Task
Kris Evers, Lee de-Wit, Ruth Van der Hallen, Birgitt Haesen, Jean Steyaert, Ilse Noens, Johan Wagemans