Uitgave 8/2014
Inhoudsopgave (30 Artikelen)
Coping and Psychological Adjustment Among Mothers of Children with ASD: An Accelerated Longitudinal Study
- Original Paper
Paul R. Benson
Time Trends Over 16 Years in Incidence-Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Lifespan Based on Nationwide Danish Register Data
- Original Paper
Christina Mohr Jensen, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen, Marlene Briciet Lauritsen
Efficiency of Lexical Access in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Does Modality Matter?
- Original Paper
Keely Harper-Hill, David Copland, Wendy Arnott
Downregulation of GABAA Receptor Protein Subunits α6, β2, δ, ε, γ2, θ, and ρ2 in Superior Frontal Cortex of Subjects with Autism
- Original Paper
S. Hossein Fatemi, Teri J. Reutiman, Timothy D. Folsom, Oyvind G. Rustan, Robert J. Rooney, Paul D. Thuras
Going ‘Above and Beyond’: Are Those High in Autistic Traits Less Pro-social?
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Leila Jameel, Karishma Vyas, Giulia Bellesi, Victoria Roberts, Shelley Channon
Impact of Adherence to Best Practice Guidelines on the Diagnostic and Assessment Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Claire Hathorn, Nahed Alateeqi, Catriona Graham, Anne O’Hare
Knowledge of Autism and Attitudes of Children Towards Their Partially Integrated Peers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Sophia Mavropoulou, Georgios D. Sideridis
Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC): Spanish Validation
- Original Paper
G. Lahera, L. Boada, E. Pousa, I. Mirapeix, G. Morón-Nozaleda, L. Marinas, L. Gisbert, M. Pamiàs, M. Parellada
Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Beth A. Lanning, Margaret E. Matyastik Baier, Julie Ivey-Hatz, Nancy Krenek, Jack D. Tubbs
Examination of Bidirectional Relationships Between Parent Stress and Two Types of Problem Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Anat Zaidman-Zait, Pat Mirenda, Eric Duku, Peter Szatmari, Stelios Georgiades, Joanne Volden, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Tracy Vaillancourt, Susan Bryson, Isabel Smith, Eric Fombonne, Wendy Roberts, Charlotte Waddell, Ann Thompson
How Will DSM-5 Affect Autism Diagnosis? A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis
- Original Paper
Kristine M. Kulage, Arlene M. Smaldone, Elizabeth G. Cohn
Caring for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Parents’ Quality of Life: Application of the CarerQol
- Original Paper
Renske Hoefman, Nalin Payakachat, Job van Exel, Karen Kuhlthau, Erica Kovacs, Jeffrey Pyne, J. Mick Tilford
Parent–Child Gesture Use During Problem Solving in Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Kristen Medeiros, Adam Winsler
Age Related Differences of Executive Functioning Problems in Everyday Life of Children and Adolescents in the Autism Spectrum
- Original Paper
Sanne F. W. M. van den Bergh, Anke M. Scheeren, Sander Begeer, Hans M. Koot, Hilde M. Geurts
Atypical Prosody in Asperger Syndrome: Perceptual and Acoustic Measurements
- Original Paper
Marisa G. Filipe, Sónia Frota, São Luís Castro, Selene G. Vicente
A Preliminary Investigation of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Parent Scale as a Screening Tool for Anxiety in Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Hani Zainal, Iliana Magiati, Julianne Wen-Li Tan, Min Sung, Daniel S. S. Fung, Patricia Howlin
Erratum to: A Preliminary Investigation of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Parent Scale as a Screening Tool for Anxiety in Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Erratum
Hani Zainal, Iliana Magiati, Julianne Wen-Li Tan, Min Sung, Daniel S. S. Fung, Patricia Howlin
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Module 4: Revised Algorithm and Standardized Severity Scores
- Original Paper
Vanessa Hus, Catherine Lord
A Twin Study of Heritable and Shared Environmental Contributions to Autism
- Original Paper
Thomas W. Frazier, Lee Thompson, Eric A. Youngstrom, Paul Law, Antonio Y. Hardan, Charis Eng, Nathan Morris
Cognitive, Adaptive, and Psychosocial Differences Between High Ability Youth With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Alissa F. Doobay, Megan Foley-Nicpon, Saba R. Ali, Susan G. Assouline
Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Program Shows Potential in Reducing Symptoms of Depression and Stress Among Young People with ASD
- Original Paper
J. A. McGillivray, H. T. Evert
Brief Report: Effects of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Group-Work on Promoting Post-traumatic Growth of Mothers Who Have a Child with ASD
- Brief Report
Wei Zhang, Ting-ting Yan, Ya-song Du, Xiao-hong Liu
Brief Report: Evidence for Normative Resting-State Physiology in Autism
- Brief Report
Heather J. Nuske, Giacomo Vivanti, Cheryl Dissanayake
Brief Report: Generalisation of Word–Picture Relations in Children with Autism and Typically Developing Children
- Brief Report
Calum Hartley, Melissa L. Allen
Screening, Intervention and Outcome in Autism and Other Developmental Disorders: The Role of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Letter To the Editor
Elisabeth Fernell, Philip Wilson, Nouchine Hadjikhani, Thomas Bourgeron, Brian Neville, David Taylor, Helen Minnis, Christopher Gillberg
On the Misapplication of the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire in a Study of Autism
- Letter to the Editor
Joseph Piven, Noah J. Sasson
On the Misapplication of the BAPQ in a Study of Autism
- Response to the Letter
Takeshi Nishiyama, Stephen M. Kanne
Arthur Fleischmann and Carly Fleischmann: Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism
- Book Review
Ernst Oliver VanBergeijk