Uitgave 6/2016
Inhoudsopgave (35 Artikelen)
Antipsychotic Use and Metabolic Monitoring in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Served in a Medicaid Medical Home
- Original Paper
Lisa M. Ruiz, Mackenzie Damron, Kyle B. Jones, Dean Weedon, Paul S. Carbone, Amanda V. Bakian, Deborah A. Bilder
The Need for an Ecological Approach to Parental Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Combined Role of Individual and Environmental Factors
- Original Paper
C. Derguy, K. M’Bailara, G. Michel, S. Roux, M. Bouvard
Sleep and Behavioral Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Micah O. Mazurek, Kristin Sohl
Psychiatric Co-occurring Symptoms and Disorders in Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Anne G. Lever, Hilde M. Geurts
Do Adults with High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome Differ in Empathy and Emotion Recognition?
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Charlotte B. Montgomery, Carrie Allison, Meng-Chuan Lai, Sarah Cassidy, Peter E. Langdon, Simon Baron-Cohen
Factors Mediating Dysphoric Moods and Help Seeking Behaviour Among Australian Parents of Children with Autism
- Original Paper
Matthew Snow, James Donnelly
Clinical Evaluation of a Novel and Mobile Autism Risk Assessment
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Marlena Duda, Jena Daniels, Dennis P. Wall
The Relationship Between Intolerance of Uncertainty, Sensory Sensitivities, and Anxiety in Autistic and Typically Developing Children
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Louise Neil, Nora Choque Olsson, Elizabeth Pellicano
Factors Affecting Age at ASD Diagnosis in UK: No Evidence that Diagnosis Age has Decreased Between 2004 and 2014
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Denise Brett, Frances Warnell, Helen McConachie, Jeremy R. Parr
Three-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis of Prehension Movements in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Insights on Motor Impairment
- Original Paper
Giovanna Cristina Campione, Caterina Piazza, Laura Villa, Massimo Molteni
Severity of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Current Conceptualization, and Transition to DSM-5
- Original Paper
Margaret H. Mehling, Marc J. Tassé
An Evaluation of a Parent Implemented In Situ Pedestrian Safety Skills Intervention for Individuals with Autism
- Original Paper
Bethany Harriage, Kwang-Sun Cho Blair, Raymond Miltenberger
Experiences of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Policing in England and Wales: Surveying Police and the Autism Community
- Original Paper
Laura Crane, Katie L. Maras, Tamsyn Hawken, Sue Mulcahy, Amina Memon
Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Exploration of Demands and Resources
- Original Paper
Teri M. Krakovich, John H. McGrew, Yue Yu, Lisa A. Ruble
Autism Spectrum Disorder in the DSM-5: Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity in Early Childhood
- Original Paper
Jessica A. Christiansz, Kylie M. Gray, John Taffe, Bruce J. Tonge
Dissociation of Cross-Sectional Trajectories for Verbal and Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Development in Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Jane Waite, Sarah R. Beck, Mary Heald, Laurie Powis, Chris Oliver
Theory of Mind and Executive Control Deficits in Typically Developing Adults and Adolescents with High Levels of Autism Traits
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Elif Gökçen, Norah Frederickson, K. V. Petrides
Infant Development in Fragile X Syndrome: Cross-Syndrome Comparisons
- Original Paper
Jane E. Roberts, Lindsay M. McCary, Svetlana V. Shinkareva, Donald B. Bailey Jr.
Mapping Robots to Therapy and Educational Objectives for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Claire A. G. J. Huijnen, Monique A. S. Lexis, Rianne Jansens, Luc P. de Witte
Reasoning on the Autism Spectrum: A Dual Process Theory Account
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Mark Brosnan, Marcus Lewton, Chris Ashwin
Life Satisfaction Among Mothers of Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Original Paper
Carolyn M. Shivers, Caroline L. Leonczyk, Elisabeth M. Dykens
Widespread White Matter Differences in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
V. M. Vogan, B. R. Morgan, R. C. Leung, E. Anagnostou, K. Doyle-Thomas, M. J. Taylor
Differences in Social Motivation in Children with Smith–Magenis Syndrome and Down Syndrome
- Original Paper
Lucy Wilde, Anna Mitchell, Chris Oliver
Early Characteristics of Children with ASD Who Demonstrate Optimal Progress Between Age Two and Four
- Original Paper
Emily Moulton, Marianne Barton, Diana L. Robins, Danielle N. Abrams, Deborah Fein
Attention Bias to Emotional Faces Varies by IQ and Anxiety in Williams Syndrome
- Original Paper
Lauren M. McGrath, Joyce M. Oates, Yael G. Dai, Helen F. Dodd, Jessica Waxler, Caitlin C. Clements, Sydney Weill, Alison Hoffnagle, Erin Anderson, Rebecca MacRae, Jennifer Mullett, Christopher J. McDougle, Barbara R. Pober, Jordan W. Smoller
Reality Monitoring and Metamemory in Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Rose A. Cooper, Kate C. Plaisted-Grant, Simon Baron-Cohen, Jon S. Simons
Electrophysiological Evidence of Atypical Spatial Attention in Those with a High Level of Self-reported Autistic Traits
- Original Paper
Stephanie A. Dunn, Megan Freeth, Elizabeth Milne
Preschool Deployment of Evidence-Based Social Communication Intervention: JASPER in the Classroom
- Original Paper
Ya-Chih Chang, Stephanie Y. Shire, Wendy Shih, Carolyn Gelfand, Connie Kasari
Susceptibility to Optical Illusions Varies as a Function of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient but not in Ways Predicted by Local–Global Biases
- Original Paper
Philippe A. Chouinard, Katy L. Unwin, Oriane Landry, Irene Sperandio
Brief Report: An Observational Measure of Empathy for Autism Spectrum: A Preliminary Study of the Development and Reliability of the Client Emotional Processing Scale
- Brief Report
Anna Robinson, Robert Elliott
Brief Report: Assessment of Intervention Effects on In Vivo Peer Interactions in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Brief Report
Bridget K. Dolan, Amy V. Van Hecke, Audrey M. Carson, Jeffrey S. Karst, Sheryl Stevens, Kirsten A. Schohl, Stephanie Potts, Jenna Kahne, Nina Linneman, Rheanna Remmel, Emily Hummel
Brief Report: Early Lexical Comprehension in Young Children with ASD: Comparing Eye-Gaze Methodology and Parent Report
- Brief Report
Courtney E. Venker, Eileen Haebig, Jan Edwards, Jenny R. Saffran, Susan Ellis Weismer
Case Report: Resolution of Severe Sexual Aggression in a Developmentally Disabled Adolescent During Leuprolide Acetate Use
- Letter to the Editor
Cara Fosdick, Sarah Mohiuddin
History and First Descriptions of Autism: Asperger Versus Kanner Revisited
- Letter to the Editor
Nick Chown, Liz Hughes
Erratum to: How Sensory Experiences Affect Adolescents with an Autistic Spectrum Condition within the Classroom
- Erratum
Fiona E. J. Howe, Steven D. Stagg