Uitgave 6/2018
Inhoudsopgave (36 Artikelen)
The Effects of a Peer-Delivered Social Skills Intervention for Adults with Comorbid Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Matthew A. Cody Davis, Amy Spriggs, Alexis Rodgers, Jonathan Campbell
Selective Impairment of Basic Emotion Recognition in People with Autism: Discrimination Thresholds for Recognition of Facial Expressions of Varying Intensities
- Original Paper
Yongning Song, Yuji Hakoda
Parental Broad Autism Phenotype and the Language Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Michelle Flippin, Linda R. Watson
Subgrouping Autism Based on Symptom Severity Leads to Differences in the Degree of Convergence Between Core Feature Domains
- Original Paper
Allison Whitten, Kathryn E. Unruh, Robin L. Shafer, James W. Bodfish
High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Consequences for Primary Caregivers Compared to Schizophrenia and Depression
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Inge A. C. Grootscholten, Bob van Wijngaarden, Cornelis C. Kan
An Initial Psychometric Evaluation of the Joint Attention Protocol
- Original Paper
Sallie W. Nowell, Linda R. Watson, Richard A. Faldowski, Grace T. Baranek
Effectiveness of a Multisystem Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Giovanni Caputo, Giovanni Ippolito, Marina Mazzotta, Luigi Sentenza, Mara Rosaria Muzio, Sara Salzano, Massimiliano Conson
An Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training for Teaching Caregivers How to Support Social Skill Development in Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Mahfuz Hassan, Andrea Simpson, Katey Danaher, James Haesen, Tanya Makela, Kendra Thomson
Acceptance or Despair? Maternal Adjustment to Having a Child Diagnosed with Autism
- Original Paper
Nikko S. Da Paz, Bryna Siegel, Michael A. Coccia, Elissa S. Epel
Autism Spectrum Symptomatology Among Children with Duplication 7q11.23 Syndrome
- Original Paper
Bonita P. Klein-Tasman, Carolyn B. Mervis
Amor and Social Stigma: ASD Beliefs Among Immigrant Mexican Parents
- Original Paper
Shana R. Cohen, Jessica Miguel
Association of Autism with Maternal Infections, Perinatal and Other Risk Factors: A Case-Control Study
- Original Paper
Dikran Richard Guisso, Fadi S. Saadeh, Dahlia Saab, Joud El Deek, Sarah Chamseddine, Hadi Abou El Hassan, Ghidaa Majari, Rose-Mary Boustany
Correction to: Association of Autism with Maternal Infections, Perinatal and Other Risk Factors: A Case-Control Study
- Author Correction
Dikran Richard Guisso, Fadi S. Saadeh, Dahlia Saab, Joud El Deek, Sarah Chamseddine, Hadi Abou-El-Hassan, Ghidaa Majari, Rose-Mary Boustany
Profiles and Correlates of Parent–Child Agreement on Social Anxiety Symptoms in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Catherine A. Burrows, Lauren V. Usher, Emily M. Becker-Haimes, Camilla M. McMahon, Peter C. Mundy, Amanda Jensen-Doss, Heather A. Henderson
Is Older Age Associated with Higher Self- and Other-Rated ASD Characteristics?
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Anne G. Lever, Hilde M. Geurts
A Quantitative Analysis of Mental Health Among Sexual and Gender Minority Groups in ASD
- Original Paper
Rita George, Mark A. Stokes
Profiles of Social and Coping Resources in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Relations to Parent and Child Outcomes
- Original Paper
Anat Zaidman-Zait, Pat Mirenda, Peter Szatmari, Eric Duku, Isabel M. Smith, Tracy Vaillancourt, Joanne Volden, Charlotte Waddell, Teresa Bennett, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Mayada Elsabaggh, Stelios Georgiades
Correction to: Profiles of Social and Coping Resources in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Relations to Parent and Child Outcomes
- Author Correction
Anat Zaidman-Zait, Pat Mirenda, Peter Szatmari, Eric Duku, Isabel M. Smith, Tracy Vaillancourt, Joanne Volden, Charlotte Waddell, Teresa Bennett, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Mayada Elsabaggh, Stelios Georgiades, Wendy J. Ungar
A Comparative Analysis of the ADOS-G and ADOS-2 Algorithms: Preliminary Findings
- Original Paper
Taylor P. Dorlack, Orrin B. Myers, Piyadasa W. Kodituwakku
Facilitating Neurofeedback in Children with Autism and Intellectual Impairments Using TAGteach
- Original Paper
Kristen LaMarca, Richard Gevirtz, Alan J. Lincoln, Jaime A. Pineda
Allocentric Versus Egocentric Spatial Memory in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Melanie Ring, Sebastian B. Gaigg, Mareike Altgassen, Peter Barr, Dermot M. Bowler
Rate and Risk Factors Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Original Paper
Enrico Danzer, Casey Hoffman, Jo Ann D’Agostino, Judith S. Miller, Lindsay N. Waqar, Marsha Gerdes, Judy C. Bernbaum, Hannah Rosenthal, Natalie E. Rintoul, Lisa M. Herkert, William H. Peranteau, Alan W. Flake, N. Scott Adzick, Holly L. Hedrick
From ‘Parent’ to ‘Expert’: How Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Make Decisions About Which Intervention Approaches to Access
- Original Paper
Amelia G. Edwards, Chris M. Brebner, Paul F. McCormack, Colin J. MacDougall
Sensory Subtypes in Preschool Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Scott D. Tomchek, Lauren M. Little, John Myers, Winnie Dunn
An International Clinical Study of Ability and Disability in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the WHO-ICF Framework
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Soheil Mahdi, Katja Albertowski, Omar Almodayfer, Vaia Arsenopoulou, Sara Carucci, José Carlos Dias, Mohammad Khalil, Ane Knüppel, Anika Langmann, Marlene Briciet Lauritsen, Graccielle Rodrigues da Cunha, Tokio Uchiyama, Nicole Wolff, Melissa Selb, Mats Granlund, Petrus J. de Vries, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Sven Bölte
Associations Between Emotion Regulation and Social Impairment in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Samantha F. Goldsmith, Elizabeth Kelley
Mothers’ Experiences of a Women’s Health and Empowerment Program for Mothers of a Child with a Disability
- Original Paper
Helen M. Bourke-Taylor, Fiona M. Jane
Evaluating Sensory Processing in Fragile X Syndrome: Psychometric Analysis of the Brain Body Center Sensory Scales (BBCSS)
- Original Paper
Jacek Kolacz, Melissa Raspa, Keri J. Heilman, Stephen W. Porges
Paraprofessional-Delivered Video Prompting to Teach Academics to Students with Severe Disabilities in Inclusive Settings
- Original Paper
Victoria F. Knight, Emily M. Kuntz, Melissa Brown
The Co-occurrence of Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: An Analysis of Cross-Sectional and Clinical Chart Data
- Brief Report
Gunter Heylens, Lore Aspeslagh, Jesper Dierickx, Kariann Baetens, Birgit Van Hoorde, Griet De Cuypere, Els Elaut
Brief Report: Improving Social Outcomes for Students with Autism at Recess Through Peer-Mediated Pivotal Response Training
- Brief Report
Matthew E. Brock, Scott A. Dueker, Mary A. Barczak
Brief Report: Effects of Video-Based Group Instruction on Spontaneous Social Interaction of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Brief Report
Joshua B. Plavnick, Ana D. Dueñas
Brief Report: Social Functioning Predicts Externalizing Problem Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
N. Shea, E. Payne, N. Russo
Brief Report: Adults with Autism are Less Accurate at Predicting How Their Personality Traits are Evaluated by Unfamiliar Observers
- Brief Report
Noah J. Sasson, Kerrianne E. Morrison, Amy E. Pinkham, Daniel J. Faso, Michael Chmielewski
Local and Global Visual Processing in 3-Year-Olds With and Without Autism
- Open Access
- Brief Communication
Elisabeth Nilsson Jobs, Terje Falck-Ytter, Sven Bölte
Advantages and Challenges of a Home- and Clinic-Based Model of Behavioral Intervention for Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Commentary
Justin B. Leaf, Ronald Leaf, John McEachin, Joseph H. Cihon, Julia L. Ferguson