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01-08-2014 | Original Paper

Time Trends Over 16 Years in Incidence-Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Lifespan Based on Nationwide Danish Register Data

Auteurs: Christina Mohr Jensen, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen, Marlene Briciet Lauritsen

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 8/2014

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This study investigated time trends and associated factors of incidence rates of diagnosed autism spectrum disorders (ASD) across the lifespan from 1995 to 2010, using data from the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Registry. First time diagnosis of childhood autism, atypical autism, Asperger’s syndrome, or pervasive developmental disorder—unspecified (PDD-NOS) were identified, incidence rates were calculated, and data were fitted using non-linear least squares methods. A total of 14.997 patients were identified and incidence rates for ASD increased from 9.0 to 38.6 per 100,000 person years during the 16-year period. The increases were most pronounced in females, adolescents, adults, and patients with Asperger’s syndrome and PDD-NOS.
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Time Trends Over 16 Years in Incidence-Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Lifespan Based on Nationwide Danish Register Data
Christina Mohr Jensen
Hans-Christoph Steinhausen
Marlene Briciet Lauritsen
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 8/2014
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432

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