Uitgave 7/2017
Inhoudsopgave (31 Artikelen)
Measuring Theory of Mind in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Neil Brewer, Robyn L. Young, Emily Barnett
Erratum to: Measuring Theory of Mind in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Erratum
Neil Brewer, Robyn L. Young, Emily Barnett
Neural Correlates of Explicit Versus Implicit Facial Emotion Processing in ASD
- Original Paper
Christina Luckhardt, Anne Kröger, Hannah Cholemkery, Stephan Bender, Christine M. Freitag
Reduced Pseudoneglect for Physical Space, but not Mental Representations of Space, for Adults with Autistic Traits
- Original Paper
Michael C. W. English, Murray T. Maybery, Troy A. W. Visser
Family Quality of Life of South African Families Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Liezl Schlebusch, Shakila Dada, Alecia E. Samuels
Atypical Gaze Cueing Pattern in a Complex Environment in Individuals with ASD
- Original Paper
Shuo Zhao, Shota Uono, Sayaka Yoshimura, Yasutaka Kubota, Motomi Toichi
Moderating Effects of Parental Characteristics on the Effectiveness of a Theory of Mind Training for Children with Autism: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Danielle M. J. de Veld, Patricia Howlin, Elske Hoddenbach, Fleur Mulder, Imke Wolf, Hans M. Koot, Ramón Lindauer, Sander Begeer
Maternal Exposure to Childhood Abuse is Associated with Mate Selection: Implications for Autism in Offspring
- Original Paper
Andrea L. Roberts, Kristen Lyall, Marc G. Weisskopf
Reducing Listening-Related Stress in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Gary Rance, Donella Chisari, Kerryn Saunders, Jean-Loup Rault
Spatial Frequency Priming of Scene Perception in Adolescents With and Without ASD
- Original Paper
Steven Vanmarcke, Ilse Noens, Jean Steyaert, Johan Wagemans
Investigating the Use of World Knowledge During On-line Comprehension in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Philippa L. Howard, Simon P. Liversedge, Valerie Benson
Using Time Perception to Explore Implicit Sensitivity to Emotional Stimuli in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Catherine R. G. Jones, Anna Lambrechts, Sebastian B. Gaigg
Medical Conditions in the First Years of Life Associated with Future Diagnosis of ASD in Children
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Stacey E. Alexeeff, Vincent Yau, Yinge Qian, Meghan Davignon, Frances Lynch, Phillip Crawford, Robert Davis, Lisa A. Croen
Is the Autism-Spectrum Quotient a Valid Measure of Traits Associated with the Autism Spectrum? A Rasch Validation in Adults with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Lars-Olov Lundqvist, Helen Lindner
Social Motor Synchronization: Insights for Understanding Social Behavior in Autism
- Original Paper
Paula Fitzpatrick, Veronica Romero, Joseph L. Amaral, Amie Duncan, Holly Barnard, Michael J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt
Acoustic Properties of Cries in 12-Month Old Infants at High-Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Lisa M. Unwin, Ildiko Bruz, Murray T. Maybery, Victoria Reynolds, Natalie Ciccone, Cheryl Dissanayake, Martha Hickey, Andrew J. O. Whitehouse
Assessing the Dim Light Melatonin Onset in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and No Comorbid Intellectual Disability
- Original Paper
Emma K. Baker, Amanda L. Richdale, Agnes Hazi, Luke A. Prendergast
Self-Report and Brain Indicators of Impaired Emotion Regulation in the Broad Autism Spectrum
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Kristel De Groot, Jan W. Van Strien
Broad Cognitive Profile in Children and Adolescents with HF-ASD and in Their Siblings: Widespread Underperformance and its Clinical and Adaptive Correlates
- Original Paper
Mireia Rosa, Olga Puig, Luisa Lázaro, Virginia Vallés, Sara Lera, Vanesa Sánchez-Gistau, Rosa Calvo
A Discrepancy in Comprehension and Production in Early Language Development in ASD: Is it Clinically Relevant?
- Original Paper
Meghan M. Davidson, Susan Ellis Weismer
The Effects of Early Language on Age at Diagnosis and Functioning at School Age in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Anthony Goodwin, Nicole L. Matthews, Christopher J. Smith
A Survey of Information Source Preferences of Parents of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Amelia N. Gibson, Samantha Kaplan, Emily Vardell
Can Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Learn New Vocabulary From Linguistic Context?
- Original Paper
Rebecca Lucas, Louisa Thomas, Courtenay Frazier Norbury
The Prevalence of Internet Addiction Among a Japanese Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic Sample With Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Original Paper
Ryuhei So, Kazunori Makino, Masaki Fujiwara, Tomoya Hirota, Kozo Ohcho, Shin Ikeda, Shouko Tsubouchi, Masatoshi Inagaki
Peers Influence Prosocial Behavior in Adolescent Males with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Jorien Van Hoorn, Eric Van Dijk, Eveline A. Crone, Lex Stockmann, Carolien Rieffe
Standing Postural Control in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Original Paper
Yi Huey Lim, Katie Partridge, Sonya Girdler, Susan L. Morris
A Screening Tool to Measure Eye Contact Avoidance in Boys with Fragile X Syndrome
- Original Paper
Scott S. Hall, Kaitlin M. Venema
Fathers’ Orientation to their Children’s Autism Diagnosis: A Grounded Theory Study
- Original Paper
Michael D. Hannon, LaChan V. Hannon
Brief Report: Examining the Association of Autism and Adverse Childhood Experiences in the National Survey of Children’s Health: The Important Role of Income and Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions
- Brief Report
Connor Morrow Kerns, Craig J. Newschaffer, Steven Berkowitz, Brian K. Lee
Brief Report: Does Gender Matter in Intervention for ASD? Examining the Impact of the PEERS® Social Skills Intervention on Social Behavior Among Females with ASD
- Brief Report
Alana J. McVey, Hillary Schiltz, Angela Haendel, Bridget K. Dolan, Kirsten S. Willar, Sheryl Pleiss, Jeffrey S. Karst, Audrey M. Carson, Christina Caiozzo, Elisabeth Vogt, Amy Vaughan Van Hecke
Brief Report: Metformin for Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
Logan K. Wink, Ryan Adams, Ernest V. Pedapati, Kelli C. Dominick, Emma Fox, Catherine Buck, Craig A. Erickson