Uitgave 8/2016
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Characteristics of Children in Foster Care, Family-Style Group Care, and Residential Care: A Scoping Review
Harmke Leloux-Opmeer, Chris Kuiper, Hanna Swaab, Evert Scholte
- Original Paper
An Exploratory Study of Neglect and Emotional Abuse in Adolescents: Classifications of Caregiver Risk Factors
Cassandra Simmel, Darcey Merritt, Hillary Mi-Sung Kim, Soyoun Kim
- Original Paper
Emotional Impact of Teasing Moderates the Association Between Teasing Frequency and Self-Worth in Youth
Amy E. Noser, Ric G. Steele
- Original Paper
The Mediating Roles of Adolescent Disclosure and Parental Knowledge in the Association Between Parental Warmth and Delinquency Among Korean Adolescents
Hye-Jung Yun, Ming Cui, Bethany L. Blair
- Original Paper
Siblings’ Perceptions of Differential Treatment, Fairness, and Jealousy and Adolescent Adjustment: A Moderated Indirect Effects Model
Meghan K. Loeser, Shawn D. Whiteman, Susan M. McHale
- Original Paper
Concurrent Validation of the Treatment Outcome Package (TOP) for Children and Adolescents
Elizabeth E. Baxter, Pamela C. Alexander, David R. Kraus, Jordan H. Bentley, James F. Boswell, Louis G. Castonguay
- Original Paper
Links Between Motor Control and Classroom Behaviors: Moderation by Low Birth Weight
Rachel A. Razza, Anne Martin, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
- Original Paper
The Role of Effortful Control in the Relationships Among Parental Control, Intentional Self-regulation, and Adolescent Obedience
Yih-Lan Liu, Hui-Tzu Chang
- Original Paper
Criminally Involved Parents Who Misuse Substances and Children’s Odds of Being Arrested as a Young Adult: Do Drug Treatment Courts Mitigate the Risk?
Elizabeth J. Gifford, Lindsey M. Eldred, Kelly E. Evans, Frank A. Sloan
- Original Paper
Economic Pressure, Individual and Family Processes, and Children’s Reticence in Romanian Families
Susanne Olsen Roper, Jennifer George, Larry J. Nelson, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Franklin O. Poulsen
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Child Care Time, Parents’ Well-Being, and Gender: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey
Anne Roeters, Pablo Gracia
- Original Paper
Adolescents’ Conflict Resolution Styles Toward Mothers: The Role of Parenting and Personality
Lies Christine Missotten, Koen Luyckx, Karla Van Leeuwen, Theo Klimstra, Susan Branje
- Original Paper
Parental Cooperation with Social Services and Termination of Parental Rights in Israeli Court Cases of Child Maltreatment
Vered Ben-David
- Original Paper
Examining the Efficacy of Parent–Child Interaction Therapy with Children on the Autism Spectrum
Joshua J. Masse, Cheryl B. McNeil, Stephanie Wagner, Lauren B. Quetsch
- Original Paper
Improved Parental Emotional Functioning After Circle of Security 20-Week Parent–Child Relationship Intervention
Anna Huber, Catherine McMahon, Naomi Sweller
- Original Paper
The Effects of Introducing Peer Support to Young People with a Chronic Illness
Peter Lewis, Emily Klineberg, Susan Towns, Katie Moore, Kate Steinbeck
- Original Paper
Minimal Risk of Internalizing Problems in Typically-Developing Siblings of Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jonathan D. Rodgers, Ashley Warhol, Jeffery D. Fox, Christin A. McDonald, Marcus L. Thomeer, Christopher Lopata, Ashley M. Darrow, Amy L. Szyszkowski, Alyssa A. Biscotto, Tesla Sheffield
- Original Paper
Parental Accommodation Predicts Symptom Severity at Long-Term Follow-Up in Children with Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Preliminary Investigation
Sarah K. Francazio, Christopher A. Flessner, Christina L. Boisseau, Nicholas J. Sibrava, Maria C. Mancebo, Jane L. Eisen, Steven A. Rasmussen
- Original Paper
Parent and Family Characteristics and Their Associates in a Follow-Up of Outpatient Children with ADHD
Henrik Sollie, Willy-Tore Mørch, Bo Larsson
- Original Paper
The Role of BIS Sensitivity in the Relationship Between Family Enmeshment and Child Anxiety
Marsha Rowsell, Susan Doyle, Sarah E. Francis
- Original Paper
Family Support and Mental Health Service Use Among Suicidal Adolescents
Mary LeCloux, Peter Maramaldi, Kristie Thomas, Elizabeth Wharff
- Original Paper
Availability of Telephone-Based Child Psychiatry Consultation: Implications from a Survey of Pediatric Providers in Two States
Anne E. Pidano, Chelsea M. Slater, Lourdes P. Dale, Kaitlyn L. Wilbur, Preeti Sandhu, Lisa Honigfeld
- Original Paper
Stressful Life Events Predict Peer Victimization: Does Anxiety Account for this Link?
Shaquanna Brown, Paula J. Fite
- Original Paper
The Relationship Between Emotion Knowledge, Emotion Regulation and Adjustment in Preschoolers: A Mediation Model
Rosanna Di Maggio, Carla Zappulla, Ugo Pace
- Original Paper
Young Children’s Tablet Use and Associations with Maternal Well-Being
Tiffany A. Pempek, Brandon T. McDaniel