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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Uitgave 11/2015

Special Issue on Emotion Regulation and Emotional Distress in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Inhoudsopgave (34 Artikelen)

  • SI: Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder

J. Anthony Richey, Cara R. Damiano, Antoinette Sabatino, Alison Rittenberg, Chris Petty, Josh Bizzell, James Voyvodic, Aaron S. Heller, Marika C. Coffman, Moria Smoski, Richard J. Davidson, Gabriel S. Dichter

  • S.I. : Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Maladaptive Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Role of Emotion Experience and Emotion Regulation

Andrea C. Samson, Antonio Y. Hardan, Ihno A. Lee, Jennifer M. Phillips, James J. Gross

  • S.I. : Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

No Evidence of Emotional Dysregulation or Aversion to Mutual Gaze in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-Tracking Pupillometry Study

Heather J. Nuske, Giacomo Vivanti, Cheryl Dissanayake

  • SI: Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Fear of Negative Evaluation Influences Eye Gaze in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study

Susan W. White, Brenna B. Maddox, Robin K. Panneton

  • S.I. : Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Overactive Pattern Separation Memory Associated with Negative Emotionality in Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder

M. South, K. G. Stephenson, C. A. Nielson, M. Maisel, D. N. Top, C. B. Kirwan

  • S.I.: Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Brief Report: Understanding Crisis Behaviors in Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder—Iceberg Assessment Interview

Kate H. Stark, Julia C. Barnes, Nicholas D. Young, Robin L. Gabriels

  • S.I. : Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Traumatic Childhood Events and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Connor Morrow Kerns, Craig J. Newschaffer, Steven J. Berkowitz

  • S.I. : Emotion Regulation and Psychiatric Comorbidity in ASD

Brief Report of Preliminary Outcomes of an Emotion Regulation Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Kendra Thomson, Priscilla Burnham Riosa, Jonathan A. Weiss

  • Original Paper

Stoppage in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Therese K. Grønborg, Stefan N. Hansen, Svend V. Nielsen, Axel Skytthe, Erik T. Parner

  • Original Paper

A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Knowledge and Stigma Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder Among College Students in Lebanon and the United States

Rita Obeid, Nidal Daou, Danielle DeNigris, Christina Shane-Simpson, Patricia J. Brooks, Kristen Gillespie-Lynch

  • Original Paper

Female Autism Phenotypes Investigated at Different Levels of Language and Developmental Abilities

Yamini J. Howe, Julia A. O’Rourke, Yvette Yatchmink, Emma W. Viscidi, Richard N. Jones, Eric M. Morrow

  • Open Access
  • Original Paper

A Qualitative Study of Autism Policy in Canada: Seeking Consensus on Children’s Services

Cody A. Shepherd, Charlotte Waddell

  • Original Paper

Sensory-Based Intervention for Children with Behavioral Problems: A Systematic Review

Farahiyah Wan Yunus, Karen P. Y. Liu, Michelle Bissett, Stefania Penkala

  • Original Paper

Mothers’ Parenting Behaviors in Families of School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Observational and Questionnaire Study

Hannah Boonen, Lotte van Esch, Greet Lambrechts, Jarymke Maljaars, Inge Zink, Karla Van Leeuwen, Ilse Noens

  • Original Paper

Concern for Another’s Distress in Toddlers at High and Low Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Susan B. Campbell, Nina B. Leezenbaum, Emily N. Schmidt, Taylor N. Day, Celia A. Brownell

  • Original Paper

Strange Words: Autistic Traits and the Processing of Non-Literal Language

Peter E. McKenna, Alexandra Glass, Gnanathusharan Rajendran, Martin Corley

  • Original Paper

Treatment for Sleep Problems in Children with Autism and Caregiver Spillover Effects

J. Mick Tilford, Nalin Payakachat, Karen A. Kuhlthau, Jeffrey M. Pyne, Erica Kovacs, Jayne Bellando, D. Keith Williams, Werner B. F. Brouwer, Richard E. Frye

  • Original Paper

Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder Followed for 2 Years: Those Who Gained and Those Who Lost the Most in Terms of Adaptive Functioning Outcome

Åsa Hedvall, Joakim Westerlund, Elisabeth Fernell, Fritjof Norrelgen, Liselotte Kjellmer, Martina Barnevik Olsson, Lotta Höglund Carlsson, Mats A. Eriksson, Eva Billstedt, Christopher Gillberg

  • Original Paper

Pitch Processing in Tonal-Language-Speaking Children with Autism: An Event-Related Potential Study

Luodi Yu, Yuebo Fan, Zhizhou Deng, Dan Huang, Suiping Wang, Yang Zhang

  • Original Paper

Autism Symptoms Across Adulthood in Men with Fragile X Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

Sigan L. Hartley, Anne C. Wheeler, Marsha R. Mailick, Melissa Raspa, Iulia Mihaila, Ellen Bishop, Donald B. Bailey

  • Open Access
  • Original Paper

The Adult Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire-2 (RBQ-2A): A Self-Report Measure of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours

Sarah L. Barrett, Mirko Uljarević, Emma K. Baker, Amanda L. Richdale, Catherine R. G. Jones, Susan R. Leekam

  • Original Paper

Support Needs of Families Living with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Billie Margaret Jean Searing, Fiona Graham, Rebecca Grainger

  • Original Paper

Psychiatric Symptoms in Youth with a History of Autism and Optimal Outcome

Alyssa Orinstein, Katherine E. Tyson, Joyce Suh, Eva Troyb, Molly Helt, Michael Rosenthal, Marianne L. Barton, Inge-Marie Eigsti, Elizabeth Kelley, Letitia Naigles, Robert T. Schultz, Michael C. Stevens, Deborah A. Fein

  • Original Paper

Reversal Learning Task in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Robot-Based Approach

Cristina A. Costescu, Bram Vanderborght, Daniel O. David

  • Original Paper

Can Robotic Interaction Improve Joint Attention Skills?

Zachary E. Warren, Zhi Zheng, Amy R. Swanson, Esubalew Bekele, Lian Zhang, Julie A. Crittendon, Amy F. Weitlauf, Nilanjan Sarkar

  • Original Paper

Visualizing Syllables: Real-Time Computerized Feedback Within a Speech–Language Intervention

Laura DeThorne, Mariana Aparicio Betancourt, Karrie Karahalios, Jim Halle, Ellen Bogue

  • Brief Report

Brief Report: SETD2 Mutation in a Child with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities and Epilepsy

Heidi S. Lumish, Julia Wynn, Orrin Devinsky, Wendy K. Chung

  • Books Received

Books Received