Uitgave 8/2018
Inhoudsopgave (31 Artikelen)
Facilitated Parent-child Groups as Family Support: A Systematic Literature Review of Supported Playgroup Studies
- Review Paper
Kate E. Williams, Donna Berthelsen, Maria Viviani, Jan M. Nicholson
Explaining Adolescents’ Affect: A Time-Use Study of Opportunities for Support and Autonomy across Interpersonal Contexts
- Original Paper
Soojung Kim, Susan D. Holloway, Janine Bempechat, Jin Li
Patterns of Adolescents’ Romantic Activities: Associations with Psychosocial Adjustment
- Original Paper
Jonathon Beckmeyer, Mona Malacane
The Adolescent HIV Communication Belief Scale: Preliminary Reliability and Validity
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Michael Evangeli
Good and Bad Sides of Self-Compassion: A Face Validity Check of the Self-Compassion Scale and an Investigation of its Relations to Coping and Emotional Symptoms in Non-Clinical Adolescents
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Peter Muris, Myrr van den Broek, Henry Otgaar, Iris Oudenhoven, Janine Lennartz
Executive Function and Emotional, Behavioral, and Social Competence Problems in Children with Epilepsy
- Original Paper
Sarah A. Healy, Nancie Im-Bolter, Janet Olds
Coping With Remembrances of Parental Rejection in Childhood: Gender Differences and Associations With Intimate Partner Relationships
- Original Paper
Ppudah Ki, Ronald P. Rohner, Preston A. Britner, Linda C. Halgunseth, Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio
Parental Indulgence: Profiles and Relations to College Students’ Emotional and Behavioral Problems
- Original Paper
Ming Cui, Carol A. Darling, Mallory Lucier-Greer, Frank D. Fincham, Ross W. May
Emotion Regulation in Families of Children with Behavior Problems and Nonclinical Comparisons
- Original Paper
Lauren B. Quetsch, Nancy M. Wallace, Cheryl B. McNeil, Amy L. Gentzler
What Matters Most to the Left-Behind Children’s Life Satisfaction and School Engagement: Parent or Grandparent?
- Original Paper
Jingjing Song, Chensen Ma, Chuanhua Gu, Bin Zuo
Effects of Benefit Finding, Social Support and Caregiving on Youth Adjustment in a Parental Illness Context
- Original Paper
Kenneth Ian Pakenham, Stephen Cox
African American and Latina Adolescent Mothers’ and their Children’s Fathers’ Reports of Coparenting and Child Behavior Problems: Child Gender as a Moderator
- Original Paper
Rachel A. Mack, Christina B. Gee
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Family Minds: A Mentalization-based Psychoeducation Program for Foster Parents
- Original Paper
Tina Adkins, Patrick Luyten, Peter Fonagy
Evaluation of a Sesame Street Multimedia Intervention for Families Transitioning Out of the Military
- Original Paper
Michelle D. Sherman, Amy Monn, Jessica L. Larsen, Abigail Gewirtz
Math Intervention For Latino Parents and Kindergarteners Based on Food Routines
- Original Paper
Diana Leyva, Anna Davis, Lauren Skorb
Change in Maternal Stress for Families in Treatment for their Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Original Paper
Jordan A. Booker, Nicole N. Capriola-Hall, Julie C. Dunsmore, Ross W. Greene, Thomas H. Ollendick
Historical Examination of United States Intentional Mass School Shootings in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Implications for Students, Schools, and Society
- Original Paper
Antonis Katsiyannis, Denise K. Whitford, Robin Parks Ennis
Perspectives on Factors Impacting Youth’s Reentry into Residential Care: An Exploratory Study
- Original Paper
Stacy-Ann A. January, Alexandra L. Trout, Jacqueline Huscroft-D’Angelo, Kristin L. Duppong Hurley, Ronald W. Thompson
Autonomy-Granting Parenting and Child Depression: the Moderating Roles of Hope and Life Satisfaction
- Original Paper
Wen Yu Chai, Sylvia Y. C. L. Kwok, Minmin Gu
Peer Victimization and Mental Health Risk in Chilean Students
- Original Paper
Verónica López, Michael Murphy, Cara Lucke, Javier Torres-Vallejos, Boris Villalobos-Parada, Paula Ascorra, Claudia Carrasco, Marian Bilbao
Attachment and Reflective Functioning in Anxious and Non-anxious Children: A Case-Controlled Study
- Original Paper
Sonja Breinholst, Barbara Hoff Esbjørn, Howard Steele
The Effects of Mindfulness Practice on Attentional Functions Among Primary School Children
- Original Paper
Ricardo Tarrasch
The Impact of Mothers’ Post-Divorce Dating Breakups on Children’s Problem Behaviors
- Original Paper
Michael R. Langlais, Jacqueline S. DeAnda, Edward R. Anderson, Shannon M. Greene
The Role of Poor Parenting and Parental Approval for Children’s Moral Disengagement
- Original Paper
Kristel Campaert, Annalaura Nocentini, Ersilia Menesini
Children’s Temperament and Maternal Behavioral Control: Origins of Heterogeneity in Developmental Trajectories of Committed Compliance from Infancy to Age 3
- Original Paper
Shuyang Dong, Zhengyan Wang, Shan Lu, Xi Liang, Xiaopei Xing
Associations Between Maternal Gatekeeping and Fathers’ Parenting Quality
- Original Paper
Lauren E. Altenburger, Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Claire M. Kamp Dush
The Transition from Middle School to High School: The Mediating Role of Perceived Peer Support in the Relationship between Family Functioning and School Satisfaction
- Original Paper
Marinella Muscarà, Ugo Pace, Alessia Passanisi, Giulio D’Urso, Carla Zappulla
Correction to: Associations Between Maternal Gatekeeping and Fathers’ Parenting Quality
- Author Correction
Lauren E. Altenburger, Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Claire M. Kamp Dush