Uitgave 2/2017
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
The impact of patient-reported outcome measures in clinical practice for pain: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Review
Michelle M. Holmes, George Lewith, David Newell, Jonathan Field, Felicity L. Bishop
The challenge of measuring intra-individual change in fatigue during cancer treatment
Carol M. Moinpour, Gary W. Donaldson, Kimberly M. Davis, Arnold L. Potosky, Roxanne E. Jensen, Julie R. Gralow, Anthony L. Back, Jimmy J. Hwang, Jihye Yoon, Debra L. Bernard, Deena R. Loeffler, Nan E. Rothrock, Ron D. Hays, Bryce B. Reeve, Ashley Wilder Smith, Elizabeth A. Hahn, David Cella
Quality of life of pediatric oncology patients: Do patient-reported outcome instruments measure what matters to patients?
Samantha J. Anthony, Enid Selkirk, Lillian Sung, Robert J. Klaassen, David Dix, Anne F. Klassen
Determinants of quality of life in community-dwelling older adults: comparing three cut-offs on the excellent-to-poor spectrum
Yves Henchoz, Fabiana Botrugno, Sarah Cornaz, Christophe Büla, Sarah Charef, Brigitte Santos-Eggimann, Brigitte Santos-Eggimann, Christophe Büla, Idris Guessous, Maurice Demont, Nicolas Rodondi, René Goy
Focus group interviews reveal reasons for differences in the perception of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis
- Open Access
Margot J. M. Walter, Adriaan van’t Spijker, Annelieke Pasma, Johanna M. W. Hazes, Jolanda J. Luime
Does one size fit all? Assessing the preferences of older and younger people for attributes of quality of life
Julie Ratcliffe, Emily Lancsar, Thomas Flint, Billingsley Kaambwa, Ruth Walker, Gill Lewin, Mary Luszcz, Ian D. Cameron
Measurement equivalence of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Medicare survey items between Whites and Asians
Ron D. Hays, Neetu Chawla, Erin E. Kent, Neeraj K. Arora
Predictors of health-related quality of life and association with survival may identify colorectal cancer patients at high risk of poor prognosis
Monica E. Reyes, Yuanqing Ye, Yeling Zhou, Alexander Liang, Scott Kopetz, M. Alma Rodriquez, Xifeng Wu, Michelle A. T. Hildebrandt
Autism spectrum disorder: family quality of life while waiting for intervention services
Sean Jones, Emily Bremer, Meghann Lloyd
Recent viral infection in US blood donors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL)
Farnaz Vahidnia, Susan L. Stramer, Debra Kessler, Beth Shaz, German Leparc, David E. Krysztof, Simone A. Glynn, Brian Custer
Self-management behavior among patients with diabetic retinopathy in the community: a structural equation model
Li Yang, Qunhong Wu, Yanhua Hao, Yu Cui, Libo Liang, Lijun Gao, Mingli Jiao, Ning Ning, Hong Sun, Zheng Kang, Liyuan Han, Ye Li, Hui Yin
Long-term effects of a dyadic psycho-educational intervention on caregiver burden and morbidity in partners of patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial
Maria Liljeroos, Susanna Ågren, Tiny Jaarsma, Kristofer Årestedt, Anna Strömberg
Health-related quality of life in patients with chronic rheumatic disease after a multidisciplinary rehabilitation regimen
C. Couppé, J. Comins, N. Beyer, S. E. Hansen, D. S. Stodolsky, V. Siersma
Expectations of younger patients concerning activities after knee arthroplasty: are we asking the right questions?
- Open Access
Suzanne Witjes, Rutger C. I. van Geenen, Koen L. M. Koenraadt, Cor P. van der Hart, Leendert Blankevoort, Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, P. Paul F. M. Kuijer
The effects of body image impairment on the quality of life of non-operated Portuguese female IBD patients
Inês A. Trindade, Cláudia Ferreira, José Pinto-Gouveia
Depression risk in patients with late-onset rheumatoid arthritis in Germany
Julia Drosselmeyer, Louis Jacob, Wolfgang Rathmann, Michael A. Rapp, Karel Kostev
Long-term health status as measured by EQ-5D among patients with metastatic breast cancer: comparison of first-line oral S-1 and taxane therapies in the randomized phase III SELECT BC trial
- Open Access
T. Shiroiwa, T. Fukuda, K. Shimozuma, M. Mouri, Y. Hagiwara, H. Doihara, H. Akabane, M. Kashiwaba, T. Watanabe, Y. Ohashi, H. Mukai
Value redefined for inflammatory bowel disease patients: a choice-based conjoint analysis of patients’ preferences
Welmoed K. van Deen, Dominic Nguyen, Natalie E. Duran, Ellen Kane, Martijn G. H. van Oijen, Daniel W. Hommes
Mapping painDETECT, a neuropathic pain screening tool, to the EuroQol (EQ-5D-3L)
Joseph C. Cappelleri, Vijaya Koduru, E. Jay Bienen, Alesia Sadosky
Reducing respondent burden: validation of the Brief Impact of Vision Impairment questionnaire
Eva K. Fenwick, Ryan E. K. Man, Gwyn Rees, Jill Keeffe, Tien Y. Wong, Ecosse L. Lamoureux
Development and validation of the Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management (PETS): a patient-reported measure of treatment burden
David T. Eton, Kathleen J. Yost, Jin-shei Lai, Jennifer L. Ridgeway, Jason S. Egginton, Jordan K. Rosedahl, Mark Linzer, Deborah H. Boehm, Azra Thakur, Sara Poplau, Laura Odell, Victor M. Montori, Carl R. May, Roger T. Anderson
Validation of World Health Organization Assessment Schedule 2.0 in specialized somatic rehabilitation services in Norway
- Open Access
Vegard Pihl Moen, Jorunn Drageset, Geir Egil Eide, Mari Klokkerud, Sturla Gjesdal