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Quality of Life Research

Uitgave 10/2023

Inhoudsopgave (24 Artikelen)

  • Open Access
  • Review

Use of the visual analogue scale for health state valuation: a scoping review

Mimmi Åström, Zin Min Thet Lwin, Fitsum Sebsibe Teni, Kristina Burström, Jenny Berg

  • Open Access
  • Review

The use of PROMIS measures in clinical studies in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review

M. M. H. Teuwen, I. R. E. Knaapen, T. P. M. Vliet Vlieland, J. W. Schoones, C. H. M. van den Ende, S. F. E. van Weely, M. G. J. Gademan

  • Open Access
  • Review

Interventions for improving clinical outcomes and health-related quality-of-life for people living with skeletal dysplasias: an evidence gap map

Naomi Moy, Darren Flynn, Josefa Henriquez, Luke B. Connelly, Luke Vale, Francesco Paolucci

  • Open Access

Using bookmarking methods with orthopedic clinicians and patients with fractures produces score interpretation labels for patient-reported outcome measures

Nan E. Rothrock, Sandra A. Wilson, Marilyn Heng, Aleksandra Hodor, Alexander Joeris, Aaron J. Kaat, Karma McKelvey, Benjamin D. Schalet, Mark Vrahas

  • Open Access

The Personalized Priority and Progress Questionnaire (PPPQ): A personalized instrument for quality of life and self-management for use in clinical trials and practice

Judith Tommel, Cinderella K. Cardol, Andrea W. M. Evers, Rianne Stuivenberg, Sandra van Dijk, Henriët van Middendorp

  • Open Access

The structure of well-being: a single underlying factor with genetic and environmental influences

Ludvig Daae Bjørndal, Ragnhild Bang Nes, Nikolai Czajkowski, Espen Røysamb

  • Open Access

Assessing the validity and responsiveness of a generic preference quality of life measure in the context of posttraumatic stress disorder

Sheradyn R. Matthews, Marja Elizabeth, Larissa N. Roberts, Billingsley Kaambwa, Tracey D. Wade, Reginald D. V. Nixon

  • Open Access

Dutch normative data of the sexual distress scale and the body image scale

Anouk S. Huberts, Noëlle J. M. C. Vrancken Peeters, Z. L. Rana Kaplan, Reinier C. A. van Linschoten, H. Pastoor, C. Janneke van der Woude, Linetta B. Koppert

  • Open Access

Measuring PROMIS pain interference in German patients with chronic conditions: calibration, validation, and cross-cultural use of item parameters

Alexander Obbarius, Christoph Paul Klapproth, Gregor Liegl, Paula M. Christmann, Udo Schneider, Felix Fischer, Matthias Rose

  • Open Access

GOunder/Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation DEsmoid Symptom/Impact Scale (GODDESS©): psychometric properties and clinically meaningful thresholds as assessed in the Phase 3 DeFi randomized controlled clinical trial

Mrinal M. Gounder, Thomas M. Atkinson, Timothy Bell, Christina Daskalopoulou, Pip Griffiths, Moriah Martindale, L. Mary Smith, Allison Lim

  • Open Access

Cognitive impairment and health-related quality of life amongst older Australians: evidence from a longitudinal investigation

Syed Afroz Keramat, Vanessa Lee, Rajat Patel, Rubayyat Hashmi, Tracy Comans

The differentiating effect of COVID-19-associated stress on the morbidity of blood donors with symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa, hyperhidrosis, or psoriasis

M. A. S. Henning, M. Didriksen, K. S. Ibler, S. R. Ostrowski, C. Erikstrup, K. Nielsen, S. G. Sækmose, T. F. Hansen, H. Ullum, L. W. Thørner, K. A. Kaspersen, S. Mikkelsen, G. B. E. Jemec, O. B. Pedersen

Chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is associated with worse quality of life and increased healthcare utilization among dialysis patients

Jasmine Ion Titapiccolo, Caterina Lonati, Berit Goethel-Paal, Abraham Rincon Bello, Francesco Bellocchio, Alessandro Pizzo, Maxime Theodose, Maria Eva Baro Salvador, Michaela Schofield, Mario Cioffi, Kolitha Basnayake, Chis Chisholm, Suzanne Mitrovic, Marjelka Trkulja, Hans-Juergen Arens, Stefano Stuard, Luca Neri

  • Open Access

Health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease: an observational prospective cohort study (IBSEN III)

Bjorn Christian Olsen, Randi Opheim, Vendel A. Kristensen, Marte Lie Høivik, Charlotte Lund, Tone Bergene Aabrekk, Ingunn Johansen, Kristina Holten, Vibeke Strande, May-Bente Bengtson, Petr Ricanek, Trond Espen Detlie, Tomm Bernklev, Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen, Gert Huppertz-Hauss

  • Open Access

Parent-reported health-related quality of life in pediatric childhood cancer survivors and factors associated with poor health-related quality of life in aftercare

Jana Winzig, Laura Inhestern, Verena Paul, Mona L. Nasse, Konstantin A. Krauth, Daniela Kandels, Stefan Rutkowski, Gabriele Escherich, Corinna Bergelt

  • Open Access

Mental health-related quality of life in mothers of children with surgically repaired congenital heart disease: a 13-year longitudinal study

Melanie Ehrler, Corina Wettach, Ingrid Beck, Emanuela R. Valsangiacomo Buechel, Beatrice Latal, Markus A. Landolt

  • Open Access

Assessing micro- vs macro-costing approaches for treating appendicitis in children with appendicectomy or non-operatively

Maria Chorozoglou, Isabel Reading, Simon Eaton, Shehryer Naqvi, Caroline Pardy, Keren Sloan, Christina Major, Natasha Demellweek, Nigel J. Hall

  • Open Access
  • Correction

Correction to: Active and sham transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improved quality of life in female patients with fibromyalgia

N. Samartin-Veiga, A. J. González-Villar, M. Pidal-Miranda, A. Vázquez-Millán, M. T. Carrillo-de-la-Peña

  • Open Access
  • Correction

Correction to: Suitability of the animated activity questionnaire for use as computer adaptive test: establishing the AAQ‑CAT

Gregor Liegl, Leo D. Roorda, Caroline B. Terwee, Martijn Steultjens, Ewa M. Roos, Francis Guillemin, Maria Grazia Benedetti, Hanne Dagfnrud, Alessandra de Carvalho Bastone, Wilfred F. Peter