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Quality of Life Research

Uitgave 1/2017

Inhoudsopgave (27 Artikelen)

Age- and gender-specific associations between insomnia and falls in Boston Puerto Rican adults

Yuan Zhang, Manuel Cifuentes, Xiang Gao, Gina Amaral, Katherine L. Tucker

Relationship between physician-judged functioning level and self-reported disabilities in elderly people with locomotive disorders

Tsutomu Iwaya, Tokuhide Doi, Atsushi Seichi, Yuichi Hoshino, Toru Ogata, Masami Akai

Quality of life in aphasic patients 1 year after a first stroke

Michèle Koleck, Kamel Gana, Claire Lucot, Bénédicte Darrigrand, Jean-Michel Mazaux, Bertrand Glize

Quality of life in patients with a permanent stoma after rectal cancer surgery

  • Open Access

Pia Näsvall, Ursula Dahlstrand, Thyra Löwenmark, Jörgen Rutegård, Ulf Gunnarsson, Karin Strigård

Evaluation and reporting of quality of life outcomes in phase III chemotherapy trials for poor prognosis malignancies

M. E. Hamaker, K. J. Schulkes, D. ten Bokkel Huinink, B. C. van Munster, L. H. van Huis, F. van den Bos

Longitudinal patterns of pain in patients with diffuse and limited systemic sclerosis: integrating medical, psychological, and social characteristics

Erin L. Merz, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Scott C. Roesch, Deepthi K. Nair, Gloria Salazar, Shervin Assassi, Maureen D. Mayes

Quality of life among working and non-working adolescents

Janessa M. Graves, Jessica L. Mackelprang, Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Mary E. Miller, Angel Y. Li

Sustained quality of life improvement after intracoronary injection of autologous bone marrow cells in the setting of acute myocardial infarction: results from the BONAMI trial

  • Brief Communication

Guillaume Lamirault, Elodie de Bock, Véronique Sébille, Béatrice Delasalle, Jérôme Roncalli, Sophie Susen, Christophe Piot, Jean-Noël Trochu, Emmanuel Teiger, Yannick Neuder, Thierry Le Tourneau, Alain Manrique, Jean-Benoît Hardouin, Patricia Lemarchand

Do measures of depressive symptoms function differently in people with spinal cord injury versus primary care patients: the CES-D, PHQ-9, and PROMIS®-D

Karon F. Cook, Michael A. Kallen, Charles Bombardier, Alyssa M. Bamer, Seung W. Choi, Jiseon Kim, Rana Salem, Dagmar Amtmann

Dutch normative data and psychometric properties for the Distress Thermometer for Parents

  • Open Access
  • Brief Communication

Hedy A. van Oers, Sasja A. Schepers, Martha A. Grootenhuis, Lotte Haverman

Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Greek MacDQoL individualized measure of the impact of macular degeneration on quality of life

  • Brief Communication

Theodoros P. Marakis, Chrysanthi Koutsandrea, Klio I. Chatzistefanou, Yannis Tountas

Transcultural adaptation and validation of the Mexican version of the kidney disease questionnaire KDQOL-SF36 version 1.3

  • Brief Communication

Edgar Dehesa-López, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, David Olvera-Castillo, Carlos González-Parra, Rafael Baizabal-Olarte, Roberto Orozco-Vega

Validation study of a Chinese version of Partners in Health in Hong Kong (C-PIH HK)

  • Brief Communication

Teresa Mei Lee Chiu, Katharine Tai Wo Tam, Choi Fong Siu, Phyllis Wai Ping Chau, Malcolm Battersby

Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Social Comfort Questionnaire for Brazilian adult survivors of burns

  • Brief Communication

N. O. Freitas, C. G. Forero, J. Alonso, M. P. Caltran, R. A. S. Dantas, J. A. Farina Jr., L. A. Rossi

Development of a French version of the Endometriosis Health Profile 5 (EHP-5): cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation

  • Brief Communication

Arnaud Fauconnier, Cyrille Huchon, Laura Chaillou, Gabrielle Aubry, Frederique Renouvel, Pierre Panel

Development of a short form of the Spanish schedule of attitudes toward hastened death in a palliative care population

  • Open Access
  • Brief Communication

Cristina Monforte-Royo, Luis González-de Paz, Joaquín Tomás-Sábado, Barry Rosenfeld, Julia Strupp, Raymond Voltz, Albert Balaguer

Erratum to: Development of a short form of the Spanish schedule of attitudes toward hastened death in a palliative care population

  • Erratum

Cristina Monforte-Royo, Luis González-de Paz, Joaquín Tomás-Sábado, Barry Rosenfeld, Julia Strupp, Raymond Voltz, Albert Balaguer