Uitgave 5/2014
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
Comprehensive Comparison of Self-administered Questionnaires for Measuring Quantitative Autistic Traits in Adults
- Original Paper
Takeshi Nishiyama, Masako Suzuki, Katsunori Adachi, Satoshi Sumi, Kensuke Okada, Hirohisa Kishino, Saeko Sakai, Yoko Kamio, Masayo Kojima, Sadao Suzuki, Stephen M. Kanne
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the University Context: Peer Acceptance Predicts Intention to Volunteer
- Original Paper
Emily Gardiner, Grace Iarocci
Strategies for Perceiving Facial Expressions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Jennifer A. Walsh, Mark D. Vida, M. D. Rutherford
Developing Mirror Self Awareness in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Christine K. Duff, J. J. Flattery Jr.
Face and Object Discrimination in Autism, and Relationship to IQ and Age
- Original Paper
Pamela M. Pallett, Shereen J. Cohen, Karen R. Dobkins
Using Self-Management to Improve the Reciprocal Social Conversation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Lynn Kern Koegel, Mi N. Park, Robert L. Koegel
The Reciprocal Relationship of ASD, ADHD, Depressive Symptoms and Stress in Parents of Children with ASD and/or ADHD
- Original Paper
Daphne J. van Steijn, Anoek M. Oerlemans, Marcel A. G. van Aken, Jan K. Buitelaar, Nanda N. J. Rommelse
Does Gender Matter? A One Year Follow-up of Autistic, Attention and Anxiety Symptoms in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Tamara May, Kim Cornish, Nicole Rinehart
Hospitalizations of Children with Autism Increased from 1999 to 2009
- Original Paper
Aaron M. Nayfack, Lynne C. Huffman, Heidi M. Feldman, Jia Chan, Olga Saynina, Paul H. Wise
Validity of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Aaron J. Kaat, Luc Lecavalier, Michael G. Aman
Gastrointestinal Problems in Children with Autism, Developmental Delays or Typical Development
- Original Paper
Virginia Chaidez, Robin L. Hansen, Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Measuring Anxiety as a Treatment Endpoint in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Luc Lecavalier, Jeffrey J. Wood, Alycia K. Halladay, Nancy E. Jones, Michael G. Aman, Edwin H. Cook, Benjamin L. Handen, Bryan H. King, Deborah A. Pearson, Victoria Hallett, Katherine Anne Sullivan, Sabrina Grondhuis, Somer L. Bishop, Joseph P. Horrigan, Geraldine Dawson, Lawrence Scahill
Exploring Perceptual Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Target Detection to Dynamic Perceptual Discrimination
- Original Paper
Louisa Miller, Maggie McGonigle-Chalmers
Erratum to: Exploring Perceptual Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Target Detection to Dynamic Perceptual Discrimination
- Erratum
Louisa Miller, Maggie McGonigle-Chalmers
Postsecondary Pathways and Persistence for STEM Versus Non-STEM Majors: Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Xin Wei, Elizabeth R. A. Christiano, Jennifer W. Yu, Jose Blackorby, Paul Shattuck, Lynn A. Newman
Can Autism Spectrum Disorders and Social Anxiety Disorders be Differentiated by the Social Responsiveness Scale in Children and Adolescents?
- Original Paper
Hannah Cholemkery, Laura Mojica, Sonja Rohrmann, Angelika Gensthaler, Christine M. Freitag
Impaired Social Processing in Autism and its Reflections in Memory: A Deeper View of Encoding and Retrieval Processes
- Original Paper
Rachel S. Brezis, Tal Galili, Tiffany Wong, Judith I. Piggot
Online Action Monitoring and Memory for Self-Performed Actions in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Catherine Grainger, David M. Williams, Sophie E. Lind
Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typical Development: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Comparisons
- Original Paper
Clare Harrop, Helen McConachie, Richard Emsley, Kathy Leadbitter, Jonathan Green
The Interplay Between Anxiety and Social Functioning in Williams Syndrome
- Original Paper
Deborah M. Riby, Mary Hanley, Hannah Kirk, Fiona Clark, Katie Little, Ruth Fleck, Emily Janes, Linzi Kelso, Fionnuala O’Kane, Rachel Cole-Fletcher, Marianne Hvistendahl Allday, Darren Hocking, Kim Cornish, Jacqui Rodgers
Brief Report: Fathers’ and Mothers’ Ratings of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
Gemma M. Griffith, Richard P. Hastings, Michael A. Petalas
Brief Report: Further Evidence for a Link Between Inner Speech Limitations and Executive Function in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Brief Report
Suzanna N. Russell-Smith, Bronwynn J. E. Comerford, Murray T. Maybery, Andrew J. O. Whitehouse
A Randomized Trial Comparison of the Effects of Verbal and Pictorial Naturalistic Communication Strategies on Spoken Language for Young Children with Autism
- Brief Report
Laura Schreibman, Aubyn C. Stahmer
Development and Evaluation of Educational Materials for Pre-hospital and Emergency Department Personnel on the Care of Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Brief Report
John J. McGonigle, Joann M. Migyanka, Susan J. Glor-Scheib, Ryan Cramer, Jeffrey J. Fratangeli, Gajanan G. Hegde, Jennifer Shang, Arvind Venkat