Uitgave 2/2022
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Commentary
Privilege, social justice and the goals of medicine: Towards a critically conscious professionalism of solidarity
Saleem Razack, Marco Antonio de Carvalho Filho, Gia Merlo, William Agbor-Baiyee, Janet de Groot, P. Preston Reynolds
- Open Access
- Commentary
The leaky pipeline of publications and knowledge generation in medical education
Rashmi A. Kusurkar
- Open Access
- Original Article
How preceptors develop trust in continuity clinic residents and how trust influences supervision: A qualitative study
John C. Penner, Karen E. Hauer, Katherine A. Julian, Leslie Sheu
- Open Access
- Original Article
Video-assisted self-reflection of resuscitations for resident education and improvement of leadership skills: A pilot study
Lauren Kava, Kerin Jones, Robert Ehrman, Laura Smylie, Matthew McRae, Elizebeth Dubey, Brian Reed, Anne Messman
- Open Access
- Original Article
‘It’s going to change the way we train’: Qualitative evaluation of a transformative faculty development workshop
Caroline Choo Phaik Ong, Yang Yann Foo, Fong Yee Chiu, Debra Nestel
- Open Access
- Original Article
Reframing professional identity through navigating tensions during residency: A qualitative study
Wil L. Santivasi, Hannah C. Nordhues, Frederic W. Hafferty, Brianna E. Vaa Stelling, John T. Ratelle, Thomas J. Beckman, Adam P. Sawatsky
- Open Access
- Statistical Points and Pitfalls
Statistical points and pitfalls: growth modeling
Christy K. Boscardin, Stefanie S. Sebok-Syer, Martin V. Pusic
- Open Access
- Eye-Opener
Advancing the assessment of clinical reasoning across the health professions: Definitional and methodologic recommendations
David Gordon, Joseph J. Rencic, Valerie J. Lang, Aliki Thomas, Meredith Young, Steven J. Durning
- Open Access
- Eye-Opener
From struggle to opportunity: Reimagining medical education in a pandemic era
Sarah Burm, Victoria Luong, Kori LaDonna, Bryce Bogie, Lindsay Cowley, Jennifer M. Klasen, Anna MacLeod
- Open Access
- Show and Tell
Redesigning continuing professional development: Harnessing design thinking to go from needs assessment to mandate
Alexander Chorley, Khalid Azzam, Teresa M. Chan