Uitgave 2/2024
Inhoudsopgave (18 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Protective Factors for Antisocial Behavior in Youth: What is the Meta-Analytic Evidence?
Jeanne Gubbels, Mark Assink, Claudia E. van der Put
- Empirical Research
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Parenting in Early Adolescence Predict Epigenetic Aging and Mortality Risk in Adulthood
Sylvie Mrug, Malcolm Barker-Kamps, Marlon Goering, Amit Patki, Hemant K. Tiwari
- Empirical Research
Genetic Contributions to Attachment Stability Over Time: the Roles of CRHR1 Polymorphisms
Wenping Zhao, Qi Lan, Mingzhu Zhou, Wenting Liang, Yuting Yang, Pingyuan Gong
- Empirical Research
Skin-deep Resilience and Early Adolescence: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Executive Functioning, and Pubertal Development in Minority Youth
Allen W. Barton, Tianyi Yu, Qiujie Gong, Edith Chen, Gregory E. Miller, Gene H. Brody
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Cultural Identity and the Academic, Social, and Psychological Adjustment of Adolescents with Immigration Background
Jürgen Baumert, Michael Becker, Malte Jansen, Olaf Köller
- Empirical Research
Black Adolescent Self-Perceptions: The Roles of Ethnic Identity and Stress Exposure
Kailyn Bare, Susan D. McMahon, Kathryn Grant
- Empirical Research
Sparking Virtuous Cycles: A Longitudinal Study of Subjective Well-Being and Grit During Early Adolescence
Tingdan Zhang, Daeun Park, Eli Tsukayama, Angela L. Duckworth, Liang Luo
- Empirical Research
Associations among Parental Phubbing, Self-esteem, and Adolescents’ Proactive and Reactive Aggression: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study in China
Jiping Yang, Xueqi Zeng, Xingchao Wang
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Psychosocial Determinants of Sleep Behavior and Healthy Sleep Among Adolescents: A Two-Wave Panel Study
Lea Rahel Delfmann, Maïté Verloigne, Benedicte Deforche, Simon C. Hunter, Greet Cardon, Janneke de Boer, Ann Vandendriessche
- Empirical Research
The Role of Resilience in the Impact of Family Economic Adversity on Youth Emotional Distress over Time
Jeenkyoung Lee, Tricia K. Neppl, Daniel W. Russell, Brenda J. Lohman
- Empirical Research
The Social Dynamics of Fun: Can Fun Youth Bring Peers Together and Positively Influence Their Friends?
Dawn DeLay, Goda Kaniušonytė, Rita Žukauskienė
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Navigating Across Heritage and Destination Cultures: How Personal Identity and Social Identification Processes Relate to Domain-Specific Acculturation Orientations in Adolescence
Elisabetta Crocetti, Savaş Karataş, Susan Branje, Beatrice Bobba, Monica Rubini
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Endorsement of Masculine-Typed Behaviors Decreases During Middle Adolescence: The Contextualizing Role of Peer Experiences for Adolescents Living in the United States
Jane Shawcroft, Adam A. Rogers, Matthew G. Nielson
- Empirical Research
COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Financial Hardships and Adolescents’ Adjustment: A Longitudinal Family Stress Approach
Sahitya Maiya, Aryn M. Dotterer, Sarfaraz Serang, Shawn D. Whiteman
- Empirical Research
Age-Varying Associations Between COVID-19-Related Racial Discrimination and Chinese American Adolescents’ Political Civic Engagement
Xiaoli Zong, Charissa S. L. Cheah, Huiguang Ren
- Empirical Research
The Influence of Pubertal Development on Early Adolescent Sleep and Changes in Family Functioning
Jack Peltz, Linhao Zhang, Jeri Sasser, Assaf Oshri, Leah D. Doane
- Open Access
- Empirical Research
Reciprocal Associations Between Science Efficacy, STEM Identity and Scientist Career Interest Among Adolescent Girls within the Context of Informal Science Learning
Mengya Zhao, Emine Ozturk, Fidelia Law, Angelina Joy, Ashley R. Deutsch, Christina S. Marlow, Channing J. Mathews, Luke McGuire, Adam J. Hoffman, Frances Balkwill, Karen P. Burns, Laurence Butler, Marc Drews, Grace Fields, Hannah Smith, Mark Winterbottom, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Adam Rutland
- Empirical Research
Are All Negotiations Equally Favorable? The Role of Adolescents’ Negotiation Style, Social Domain, and Mothers’ Authoritarian Beliefs and Family History
Nele Flamant, Leen Haerens, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Stijn Van Petegem, Bart Soenens