Uitgave 4/2010
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
Patterns of Physical and Relational Aggression in a School-Based Sample of Boys and Girls
Ann Marie Crapanzano, Paul J. Frick, Andrew M. Terranova
Relational Aggression and Hostile Attribution Biases: Testing Multiple Statistical Methods and Models
Stephanie A. Godleski, Jamie M. Ostrov
Behavior Problems in Children Adopted from Psychosocially Depriving Institutions
Emily C. Merz, Robert B. McCall
Forms of Aggression, Social-Psychological Adjustment, and Peer Victimization in a Japanese Sample: The Moderating Role of Positive and Negative Friendship Quality
Yoshito Kawabata, Nicki R. Crick, Yoshikazu Hamaguchi
Toddlers’ Temperament Profiles: Stability and Relations to Negative and Positive Parenting
- Open Access
Alithe L. van den Akker, Maja Deković, Peter Prinzie, Jessica J. Asscher
Competing Core Processes in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Do Working Memory Deficiencies Underlie Behavioral Inhibition Deficits?
R. Matt Alderson, Mark D. Rapport, Kristen L. Hudec, Dustin E. Sarver, Michael J. Kofler
Direct and Indirect Measures of Social Perception, Behavior, and Emotional Functioning in Children with Asperger’s Disorder, Nonverbal Learning Disability, or ADHD
Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Jenifer Walkowiak, Alison Wilkinson, Elizabeth Portman Minne
Emotional/Behavioral Problems and Functional Impairment in Clinic- and Community-Based Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Taiwan
Susan Shur-Fen Gau, Yu-Ju Lin, Chi-Yung Shang, Shih-Kai Liu, Yen-Nan Chiu, Wei-Tsuen Soong
Maternal Control Behavior and Locus of Control: Examining Mechanisms in the Relation Between Maternal Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety Symptomatology in Children
Kimberly D. Becker, Golda S. Ginsburg, Janine Domingues, Jenn-Yun Tein
Examination of the Response Styles Theory in a Community Sample of Young Adolescents
Lori M. Hilt, Katie A. McLaughlin, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Within-Family Differences in Internalizing Behaviors: The Role of Children’s Perspectives of the Mother-child Relationship
Kristen L. Frampton, Jennifer M. Jenkins, Judy Dunn