Uitgave 7/2014
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
“We both just trusted and leaned on the Lord”: a qualitative study of religiousness and spirituality among African American breast cancer survivors and their caregivers
Katherine Regan Sterba, Jessica L. Burris, Sue P. Heiney, Megan Baker Ruppel, Marvella E. Ford, Jane Zapka
On the associations between physical activity and quality of life: findings from an Australian nationally representative panel survey
Francisco Perales, Jose del Pozo-Cruz, Jesus del Pozo-Cruz, Borja del Pozo-Cruz
Quality of life along the diabetes continuum: a cross-sectional view of health-related quality of life and general health status in middle-aged and older Finns
Saku Väätäinen, Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Jouko Saramies, Hannu Uusitalo, Jaakko Tuomilehto, Janne Martikainen
The level of agreement between child self-reports and parent proxy-reports of health-related quality of life in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Yoonjeong Lim, Craig Velozo, Roxanna M. Bendixen
Enacted and internalized stigma and quality of life among people with HIV: the role of group identity
Maria J. Fuster-Ruizdeapodaca, Fernando Molero, Francisco Pablo Holgado, Sonia Mayordomo
Sensory impairments and their associations with functional disability in a sample of the oldest-old
Verena R. Cimarolli, Daniela S. Jopp
Psychosocial determinants of quality of life in parents of obese children seeking inpatient treatment
Petra Warschburger, Daniela Kühne
Biological pathways, candidate genes, and molecular markers associated with quality-of-life domains: an update
- Review
Mirjam A. G. Sprangers, Melissa S. Y. Thong, Meike Bartels, Andrea Barsevick, Juan Ordoñana, Qiuling Shi, Xin Shelley Wang, Pål Klepstad, Eddy A. Wierenga, Jasvinder A. Singh, Jeff A. Sloan
Psychometric properties of quality of life and health-related quality of life assessments in people with multiple sclerosis
Y. C. Learmonth, E. A. Hubbard, E. McAuley, R. W. Motl
Measuring individual quality of life in patients receiving radiation therapy: the SEIQoL-Questionnaire
Gerhild Becker, Constanze S. Merk, Cornelia Meffert, Felix Momm
Comparing PROMIS computer-adaptive tests to the Brief Symptom Inventory in patients with prostate cancer
- Brief Communication
George Baum, Karen Basen-Engquist, Maria C. Swartz, Patricia A. Parker, Cindy L. Carmack
Differential item functioning in the Observer Scale of the POSAS for different scar types
Martijn B. A. van der Wal, Wim E. Tuinebreijer, Åsa Lundgren-Nilsson, Esther Middelkoop, Paul P. M. van Zuijlen
Measuring health-related quality of life: psychometric evaluation of the Tunisian version of the SF-12 health survey
Moheddine Younsi, Mohamed Chakroun
The assessment of publication pressure in medical science; validity and reliability of a Publication Pressure Questionnaire (PPQ)
J. K. Tijdink, Y. M. Smulders, A. C. M. Vergouwen, H. C. W. de Vet, D. L. Knol
Measurement properties of the Client-centered Care Questionnaire (CCCQ): factor structure, reliability and validity of a questionnaire to assess self-reported client-centeredness of home care services in a population of frail, older people
M. E. Muntinga, L. B. Mokkink, D. L. Knol, G. Nijpels, A. P. D. Jansen
Psychometric properties of the eight-item modified Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey based on Spanish outpatients
- Brief Communication
Paloma Gómez-Campelo, Elisa M. Pérez-Moreno, Carmen de Burgos-Lunar, Carmen Bragado-Álvarez, Rodrigo Jiménez-García, Miguel Á. Salinero-Fort
Psychometric properties of the French Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)
- Brief Communication
Sophie Wylomanski, Réjane Bouquin, Henri-Jean Philippe, Yves Poulin, Matthieu Hanf, Brigitte Dréno, Roman Rouzier, Gaëlle Quéreux
Evaluation properties of the French version of the OUT-PATSAT35 satisfaction with care questionnaire according to classical and item response theory analyses
M. Panouillères, A. Anota, T. V. Nguyen, A. Brédart, J. F. Bosset, A. Monnier, M. Mercier, J. B. Hardouin
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Bulgarian version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory
- Brief Communication
Spaska Georgieva-Zhostova, Ognyan I. Kolev, Katerina Stambolieva
Validation of the Osteoporosis-Specific Morisky Medication Adherence Scale in long-term users of bisphosphonates
Kristi Reynolds, Hema N. Viswanathan, Paul Muntner, Teresa N. Harrison, T. Craig Cheetham, Jin-Wen Y. Hsu, Deborah T. Gold, Stuart Silverman, Andreas Grauer, Donald E. Morisky, Cynthia D. O’Malley
Health-related quality of life in young adults in education, employment, or training: development of the Japanese version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales Young Adult Version
Mei Kaneko, Iori Sato, Takafumi Soejima, Kiyoko Kamibeppu
Psychometric properties of KIDSCREEN health-related quality of life questionnaire in Iranian adolescents
Ahmad Shahabeddin Parizi, Gholamreza Garmaroudi, Mojtaba Fazel, Sepideh Omidvari, Seyed Ali Azin, Ali Montazeri, Saba Jafarpour
Health-related quality of life and body mass index among US adolescents
Wanjun Cui, Matthew M. Zack, Holly Wethington
Erratum to: The relationship between negative life events, psychological distress and life satisfaction: a population-based study
- Erratum
Gunnvor Marum, Jocelyne Clench-Aas, Ragnhild B. Nes, Ruth Kjærsti Raanaas