Based on a survey of experts in the field, we selected six empirical phenomena rated as most relevant for TEC. The major goal of the study was to provide effect sizes of these phenomena with a 95% confidence interval of standardized means with sufficient precision (defined as width = 0.4). To this end, 120 participants performed in six experiments modelled closely after the original ones.
Summary of results and their implications
The bottom line of the following results is straightforward: (1) All phenomena were replicated as in the original study. (2) The resulting effect sizes were (much) smaller though when compared with that reported in the original publications (see Table
7 and also Fig.
2 for a graphical summary).
8Table 7
Overview of effect sizes of the original studies and the corresponding new experiments reported in the present study, with 95% confidence interval for standardized means in brackets
1 | Response-effect compatibility (Kunde, 2001) | 0.96 | 0.33 [0.14, 0.51] | 59/75 | 81/99 |
2 | Action-induced blindness (Müsseler and Hommel ( 1997a, 1997b) | 0.61 | 0.16 [−0.02, 0.34] | 243/309 | 336/413 |
3 | Response-effect learning (Elsner & Hommel, 2001) | 0.94 | 0.49 [0.29, 0.69] | 28/35 | 38/46 |
4 | Stimulus–response binding (Hommel, 1998) | 2.70 | 1.56 [1.28, 1.82] | 5/6 | 6/7 |
5 | Code occupation (Stoet & Hommel, 1999) | 1.01 | 0.68 [0.47, 0.87] | 15/19 | 20/25 |
6 | Short-term response-effect binding (Dutzi & Hommel, 2009) | 1.15 | 0.86 [0.63, 1.08] | 10/13 | 14/17 |
More precisely, Experiment 1 demonstrated an R-E compatibility effect (Kunde,
2001), usually interpreted as evidence for ideomotor effect anticipation. Experiments 3 and 6 were concerned with learning R-E associations over a longer time course (Exp. 3; Elsner & Hommel,
2001) and binding of R-E events from trial to trial (Exp. 6; Dutzi & Hommel,
2009). Experiments 2, 4, and 5 were concerned with event-file bindings of stimuli and responses. When a (spatial) feature was bound into an event file representing an action plan, concurrent perception was impaired for stimuli requiring the same (spatial) feature (Exp. 2; Müsseler & Hommel,
1997b) and the same was true for concurrently executed motor actions (Exp. 5; Stoet & Hommel,
1999). Finally, Experiment 4 confirmed that stimuli and responses are bound into an event file once encountered, impairing subsequent performance when only parts of the implicated features were repeated in a subsequent event (Hommel,
These results are useful in at least two ways. First, we expect TEC to continue stimulating research in basic and applied areas. For researchers embracing TEC for one or the other reason, the present effect sizes can be used as informed starting points underlying their choice of sample size when conducting power analyses. Table
7 provides a summary of sample sizes required for 1 −
β = .80 and 1 −
β = .90 when using the simplest analysis tool, that is, a paired
t-test. As a cautionary note, these numbers can change when the design is more complex and involves further independent variables (see, e.g., Brysbaert,
2019). Also, the calculated effect size was obtained with one particular experimental setting suited for data collection in the laboratory in this present study. Other settings may well yield larger effect sizes and thus allow a smaller sample size as well (see, e.g., the discussion of Exp. 1). When performing power analyses, it is thus useful to choose effect sizes from experimental settings that resemble the planned study as closely as possible. The values provided in Table
7 provide rules of thumb when an informed intuition about the size of the expected effect cannot draw on similar previous work.
The second contribution is that all six experiments replicated the main results reported in the original studies. Against the background of attempts to replicate certain psychological phenomena in the past (e.g., Open Science Collaboration,
2015), this outcome is certainly positive and encouraging news for the field. Considering recent calls for integrative frameworks going beyond phenomena-specific explanations (Eronen & Bringmann,
2021; Muthukrishna & Henrich,
2019; Oberauer & Lewandowsky,
2019) and cumulative theory building, TEC appears well-suited as being such a framework, backed up by solid evidence for core phenomena derived from it.
Future directions
In our view, future research on TEC can extend the state of the art in two complementary directions that we label as vertical or horizontal.
With vertical extensions, we refer to research that aims at a deeper understanding of particular TEC-related phenomena with regard to potential underlying mechanisms. While TEC provides a coherent framework for understanding diverse empirical phenomena, many of these phenomena can also be captured by alternative accounts that do not necessarily accord with TEC’s perspective. For instance, findings on R-E learning (Exp. 3; Elsner & Hommel,
2001) have been suggested to reflect strategic choices (Vogel et al.,
2018; Weller et al.,
2017), possibly relying on propositional representations rather than direct action-effect associations (Sun et al.,
2022). Having a precise grasp on the size of individual effects will allow for more stringent tests of potential alternative explanations, thus contributing to theoretical progress.
Horizontal extensions, by contrast, refer to the interrelation of different empirical effects. A major strength of TEC is its broad applicability across diverse phenomena in perception and action. With the present combined assessment of several empirical phenomena, we hope to contribute to research in this tradition. That is, the present re-assessment of selected phenomena should be especially valuable for building bridges between design-specific effects, possibly towards areas that are not commonly discussed in relation to TEC.
One example that would benefit from such cross-design approaches concerns the relation of action-induced blindness (Exp. 2; see Müsseler & Hommel,
1997b) and sensory attenuation (Blakemore et al.,
2000) as argued in the discussion of Experiment 2. Addressing how impaired perceptual processing either immediately before or immediately after performing an action builds on potentially similar mechanisms might allow for a more parsimonious explanation, while also highlighting shared mechanisms of TEC and common models that are invoked to explain sensory attenuation, especially forward and comparator models (Dogge et al.,
2019; Horváth,
2015). Such research would also inform communities that have mainly relied on specific perceptual and response modalities, as is apparent in the decidedly visual focus of action-induced blindness, while at the same time drawing on modality-unspecific mechanisms to explain central observations. Finally, this strategy will also include the assessment of specific populations and corresponding inter-individual variation of certain phenomena in both clinical and non-clinical settings.
A second example concerns the relation of code occupation effects (Exp. 5, see Stoet & Hommel,
1999) and experiments that address the role of anticipated action effects for switching between different responses (Kunde et al.,
2002; Mocke et al.,
2020). On the surface, both strands of research seem to employ highly similar setups. Code occupation is commonly studied by having participants plan an action while performing an intermediate action that either shares features with the planned action or does not share any relevant features, with shared features yielding overlap costs. The alternative strand of research is identical in the sense that participants plan a certain movement, but have to perform a separate response while holding the initial action plan active. These studies also implement overlap conditions, but they do so by having responses produce either compatible or incompatible action effects in the actor’s environment, such as distinctive effect tones rather than in terms of body-related features as in typical setups that probe for code occupation. Strikingly, despite the highly similar setup, these latter studies have consistently found overlap benefits rather than overlap costs (see also Janczyk & Kunde,
2014). This change in direction of the effect appears puzzling and, therefore, requires future, cumulative evidence to arrive at a satisfactory account of both phenomena.
A third example of TEC’s broad applicability across different empirical phenomena is illustrated by recent trends to study well-established cognitive effects in social settings, that is, when two or more individuals engage together in a cognitive task. Interestingly, many experiments now come with a social variant (e.g., the
joint Simon task, Sebanz et al.,
joint flanker task, Atmaca et al.,
social inhibition of return, Janczyk et al.,
observational R-E associations, Paulus et al.,
2011; Pfister et al.,
observational S-R binding, Giesen et al.,
2014, to name just a few). On the one hand, these developments illustrate that these well-established effects are not immune to social influences, an insight that is only recently recognized by cognitive psychologists. On the other hand, the findings from these new approaches set the stage to introduce the terminology of TEC to account for social effects. This allows for re-assessing prominent effects known from social psychology and explaining them at least partly from TEC’s perspective (for recent examples, see Giesen et al.,
2018; Hommel & Colzato,
2015; Hommel & Stevenson,
In sum, the present re-assessment of selected phenomena should be especially valuable for building bridges between design-specific effects, possibly towards areas that are not commonly discussed in relation to TEC. Not surprisingly, in the two decades after their introduction, the basic ideas of TEC have been further developed and extended beyond those paradigms closely associated with TEC. For example, the recent
Binding and Retrieval in Action Control (BRAC) framework explicitly separates integration (i.e., binding) and retrieval processes theoretically and proposes that these two processes affect action control also in many standard experiments, typically not closely associated with event coding (e.g., negative priming, task switching, Pavlovian conditioning, visual search; Frings et al.,
2020). Such broad applicability of the processes involved in the current experiments, is another reason to expect continued research interest in TEC-related phenomena in the future.