Uitgave 5/2006
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
Mother-Adolescent Relationship Quality and Autonomy as Predictors of Psychosocial Adjustment Among African American Adolescents
Mia Smith Bynum, Beth A. Kotchick
- Original Paper
Parental Psychopathology and Paternal Child Neglect in Late Childhood
Chris Stewart, Ada C. Mezzich, Bang-Shiuh Day
- Original Paper
Assessing Parenting Practices Through Parent-Report and Direct Observation During Parent-Training
David J. Hawes, Mark R. Dadds
- Original Paper
A Multifactorial Model for the Etiology of Anxiety in Non-Clinical Adolescents: Main and Interactive Effects of Behavioral Inhibition, Attachment and Parental Rearing
Anna M. L. van Brakel, Peter Muris, Susan M. Bögels, Charlotte Thomassen
Children of Incarcerated Mothers and Their Caregivers: Factors Affecting the Quality of Their Relationship
Virginia H. Mackintosh, Barbara J. Myers, Suzanne S. Kennon
- Original Article
Psychometric Properties of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire
Cecilia A. Essau, Satoko Sasagawa, Paul J. Frick
Treatment for Youth in Short-Term Care Facilities: The Impact of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Intervention
Kristin Duppong Hurley, Stephanie Ingram, J. Douglas Czyz, Nicholas Juliano, Evelyn Wilson
- Original Paper
The Quality of Home Environment in Brazil: An Ecological Model
Ebenézer A. de Oliveira, Fernando C. Barros, Luciana D. da Silva Anselmi, Cesar A. Piccinini
Informant Discrepancies in Assessing Child Dysfunction Relate to Dysfunction Within Mother-Child Interactions
Andres De Los Reyes, Alan E. Kazdin
- Book Review
Luis Rodriguez de la Sierra, Child Analysis Today Karnac Books, London, UK 2004
Haran Wernik
- Book Review
Robert Rand. Madison, Wisconson Dancing Away an Anxious Mind: A Memoir about Overcoming Panic Disorder
Angela D. Adkins