Uitgave 4/2006
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
The Interface between Mental Health Providers, Families, and Schools: Parent and Child Attitudes about Information-Sharing
Teresa L. Kramer, Aparna Vuppala, Christopher Lamps, Terri L. Miller, Carol R. Thrush
Unraveling Cultural Threads: A Qualitative Study of Culture and Ethnic Identity Among Urban Southwestern American Indian Youth Parents and Elders
Laura E. House, Arlene R. Stiffman, Eddie Brown
Effectiveness of a Social Skills Training Program with School Age Children: Transition to the Clinical Setting
- Original Paper
Leslie Sim, Stephen P. Whiteside, Carrie A. Dittner, Michael Mellon
Characteristics of Dieting and Nondieting Adolescents in a Psychiatric Inpatient Setting
- OriginalArticle
Ana M. Abrantes, David R. Strong, Susan E. Ramsey, Peter M. Lewinsohn, Richard A. Brown
Economic Pressure and Children's Psychological Functioning
- Original Paper
Mihaela Robila, Ambika Krishnakumar
After-School Supervision, Psychosocial Impact, and Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use in China
Jie Wu Weiss, Ipei Liu, Steve Sussman, Paula Palmer, Jennifer B. Unger, Steven Cen, Chih-Ping Chou, Anderson Johnson
AD/HD Symptoms and Conduct Problems: Similarities and Differences in Maternal Perceptions
Katerina Maniadaki, Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Efthymios Kakouros, Rania Karaba
Different Pathways to Juvenile Delinquency: Characteristics of Early and Late Starters in a Sample of Previously Incarcerated Youth
Kevin W. Alltucker, Michael Bullis, Daniel Close, Paul Yovanoff
Marriage, Parenting, and the Emergence of Early Self-Regulation in the Family System
Brenda L. Volling, Alysia Y. Blandon, Amy M. Kolak
Transitioning from congregate care: Preparation and outcomes
- Original Paper
Madelyn Freundlich, Rosemary J. Avery