Uitgave 1/2007
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
From Intent to Enrollment, Attendance, and Participation in Preventive Parenting Groups
Jean E. Dumas, Jenelle Nissley-Tsiopinis, Angela D. Moreland
- Original Paper
Parent Beliefs about Treatment Credibility and Effectiveness: Assessment and Relation to Subsequent Treatment Participation
Matthew K. Nock, Caitlin Ferriter, Elizabeth Holmberg
- Original Paper
Maternal and Paternal Parenting Styles in Adolescents: Associations with Self-Esteem, Depression and Life-Satisfaction
Avidan Milevsky, Melissa Schlechter, Sarah Netter, Danielle Keehn
- Original Paper
Lessons Learned from the National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Longitudinal Study of a Canadian After-School Program
Robin Wright, Lindsay John, Julia Sheel
- Original Paper
Family Emotional Climate and Sibling Relationship Quality: Influences on Behavioral Problems and Adaptation in Preschool-Aged Children
Kerri L. Modry-Mandell, Wendy C. Gamble, Angela R. Taylor
- Original Paper
The Cultural Adaptation of the Youth Quality of Life Instrument-Research Version for Latino Children and Adolescents
Ligia M. Chavez, Leida Matías-Carrelo, Concepcion Barrio, Glorisa Canino
- Original Paper
Social Support as Predictor of Psychopathology in the Adolescent Offspring of Psychiatric Patients
Cees Hoefnagels, Cor Meesters, Joke Simenon
- Original Paper
Maternal and Paternal Perceptions of Social Competence in Children and Adolescents
Kimberly Renk, Vicky Phares
- Original Paper
Parentification and Maternal HIV Infection: Beneficial Role or Pathological Burden?
Tanya L. Tompkins
- Original Paper
Home Versus School Environments and their Influences on the Affective and Behavioral States of African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian Juvenile Offenders
Roslyn M. Caldwell, Susan M. Sturges, N. Clayton Silver
- Book Review
Nancy E. Dowd, Dorothy G. Singer, and Robin Fretwell Wilson, eds., Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence
Pamela R. Melton