Uitgave 1/2024
Inhoudsopgave (20 Artikelen)
The effect of emotional arousal on visual attentional performance: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Review
Andras N. Zsidó
Effects of alerting signals on the spatial Stroop effect: evidence for modality differences
- Open Access
- Research
Todd A. Kahan, Zachary P. Smith
A Nomothetic Span Approach to the Construct Validation of Sustained Attention Consistency: Re-Analyzing Two Latent-Variable Studies of Performance Variability and Mind-Wandering Self-Reports
- Open Access
- Research
Matthew S. Welhaf, Michael J. Kane
Response uncertainty influences response bias in the sustained attention to response task: a signal detection theory perspective
- Research
Aman Bedi, Paul N. Russell, William S. Helton
Impact of inhibition level on field-dependent and field-independent individuals in attentional blink
- Research
Yuan Yao, Danmei Diao
On the interplay of curiosity, confidence, and importance in knowing information
- Open Access
- Research
Markus Wolfgang Hermann Spitzer, Janina Janz, Maohua Nie, Andrea Kiesel
A brief online mindfulness induction improves creative art-making
- Research
John Z. Clay, Stephanie J. Kane, Darya L. Zabelina
Tapping to drumbeats in an online experiment changes our perception of time and expressiveness
- Open Access
- Research
Xinyue Wang, Birgitta Burger, Clemens Wöllner
How does it feel? Passage of time judgments in speeded RT performance
- Open Access
- Research
Daniel Bratzke, Arne Hansen
Motion perception in touch: resolving contradictory findings by varying probabilities of different trial types
- Open Access
- Research
Simon Merz, Christian Frings, Charles Spence
The effects of errorless psychomotor training in the Y balance lower limb reaching task
- Research
Mengjiao Fan, Thomson W. L. Wong
People learn a two-stage control for faster locomotor interception
- Open Access
- Research
Huaiyong Zhao, Dominik Straub, Constantin A. Rothkopf
Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of different processes during a target identification task assessing perceptual learning
- Research
Rocio Angulo, Germán A. Cipriani, Alejandra Carboni, Dominique Kessel
Learning a covert sequence of effector movements: limits to its acquisition
- Open Access
- Research
Leif Johannsen, Iring Koch
Task integration in complex, bimanual sequence learning tasks
- Open Access
- Research
Patrick Beißel, Stefan Künzell
Investigating the relationship of actively open-minded thinking in future time perspectives among Saudi undergraduate students
- Research
Tarik N. Mohamed, Ahmed Bendania
Abstract concepts and simulated competition
- Open Access
- Research
Daniele Nico, Anna M. Borghi, Luca Tummolini, Elena Daprati
Influence of stimuli emotional features and typicality on memory performance: insights from a virtual reality context
- Open Access
- Research
Irene Ceccato, Eleonora Ricci, Cristina Mazza, Emanuela Bartolini, Adolfo Di Crosta, Pasquale La Malva, Silvia Biondi, Marco Colasanti, Nicola Mammarella, Rocco Palumbo, Paolo Roma, Alberto Di Domenico
One more trip to Barcetona: on the special status of visual similarity effects in city names
- Open Access
- Research
Manuel Perea, Melanie Labusch, María Fernández-López, Ana Marcet, Eva Gutierrez-Sigut, Pablo Gómez
“That’s just like, your opinion, man”: the illusory truth effect on opinions
- Open Access
- Research
Paul Riesthuis, Josh Woods