Uitgave 1/2019
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Trained Observers’ Ratings of Adolescents’ Social Anxiety and Social Skills within Controlled, Cross-Contextual Social Interactions with Unfamiliar Peer Confederates
Lara E. Glenn, Lauren M. Keeley, Sebastian Szollos, Hide Okuno, Xuechun Wang, Erica Rausch, Danielle E. Deros, Jeremy N. Karp, Noor Qasmieh, Bridget A. Makol, Tara M. Augenstein, Melanie F. Lipton, Sarah J. Racz, Lindsay Scharfstein, Deborah C. Beidel, Andres De Los Reyes
Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Children in Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder
Thomas H. Ollendick, Sarah M. Ryan, Nicole N. Capriola-Hall, Isabel C. Salazar, Vicente E. Caballo
The Role of Sleep Quality in Associations between Peer Victimization and Internalizing Symptoms
Elizabeth C. Tampke, Jennifer B. Blossom, Paula J. Fite
Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility of the Specific Phobia Questionnaire in an Anxiety Disorders Sample
Melina M. Ovanessian, Nichole Fairbrother, Valerie Vorstenbosch, Randi E. McCabe, Karen Rowa, Martin M. Antony
Expression of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Lifespan
Jeannette K. Correa, Timothy A. Brown
Factor Structure of the Attentional Control Scale in Younger and Older Adults: Relationships with Anxiety and Depression
Alyssa N. DeVito, Matthew Calamia, Scott Roye, John P. K. Bernstein, Peter Castagna
The Personality Context of Adolescent Gambling: Better Explained by the Big Five or Sensation-Seeking?
Kathleen W. Reardon, Meggie Wang, Clayton Neighbors, Jennifer L. Tackett
Adult ADHD, Emotion Dysregulation, and Functional Outcomes: Examining the Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies
Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Laura E. Knouse, Dmitry Kovalev
The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scales (RCADS): Psychometric Evaluation in Children Evaluated for ADHD
Stephen P. Becker, Dana N. Schindler, Alex S. Holdaway, Leanne Tamm, Jeffery N. Epstein, Aaron M. Luebbe
No Trauma, no Problem: Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress in the Absence of a Criterion A Stressor
C. Laurel Franklin, Amanda M. Raines, Margo C. Hurlocker
Conceptualizing Acceptance in Postdeployment Soldiers
Daniel P. Johnson, Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, Jillian C. Shipherd
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II: an Item Response Theory Analysis
Clarissa W. Ong, Benjamin G. Pierce, Douglas W. Woods, Michael P. Twohig, Michael E. Levin
Validation of a Behavioral Measure of Acquiring and Discarding in Hoarding Disorder
Hannah C. Levy, Michael C. Stevens, David F. Tolin
Reliability and Validity of the Thinking Skills Inventory, a Screening Tool for Cross-Diagnostic Skill Deficits Underlying Youth Behavioral Challenges
Lu Wang, Alisha R. Pollastri, Pieter J. Vuijk, Erin N. Hill, Brenda A. Lee, Anna Samkavitz, Ellen B. Braaten, J. Stuart Ablon, Alysa E. Doyle
Dimensional Pathological Personality Predicting Personality Disorders: Comparison of the DAPP-BQ and PID-5 Shortened Versions in a Spanish Community Sample
A. Aluja, L. F. García, L. Cuevas, I. Lucas