Uitgave 1/2023
Inhoudsopgave (23 Artikelen)
The Relative Importance of Psychopathy Features as Predictors of Externalizing Behaviors in Youth: A Multimethod Examination
Colin E. Vize, Amy L. Byrd, Stephanie D. Stepp
Deficits in Parent Knowledge of Behavior Management Skills is Strongly Associated With CD Symptoms but not ODD Symptoms
Oliver Lindhiem, Jeffrey D. Burke, Jamie A. Feldman, David J. Kolko, Paul A. Pilkonis
The Development and Validation of the Firesetting Questionnaire
- Open Access
Theresa A. Gannon, Mark E. Olver, Emma Alleyne, Helen Butler, Victoria Lister, Caoilte Ó Ciardha, Katie Sambrooks, Nichola Tyler
ADHD Symptoms and Procrastination in College Students: The Roles of Emotion Dysregulation and Self-Esteem
Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Kate Flory, Will H. Canu, Erik G. Willcutt, Cynthia M. Hartung
Is the Youth Self-Report Total Score a Reliable Measure of both a General Factor of Psychopathology and Achenbach’s Eight Syndromes? A cross-cultural Study
Djaouida Petot, Jean-Michel Petot, Myriam Chahed
Examining Relations Between Parent and Child Psychopathology in Children with ADHD: Do Parent Cognitions Matter?
Gabrielle Fabrikant-Abzug, Lauren M. Friedman, Linda J. Pfiffner
Predicting Day Treatment Program Completion with the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles taking Defensiveness into Account
Glenn D. Walters, Jacqueline M. Loftus, Susan C. Wright, Kimberly D. Ernest
Concurrent Validity of Self-Reported Social Media Use in Adolescents and Young Adults: Associations with Objective Data and Psychosocial Functioning
Ric G. Steele, Devanshi Khetawat, Jennifer L. Christofferson, Jeffrey A. Hall
Are Perceived Executive Functions Beneficial for Adolescents Who Experience Peer Victimization?
- Open Access
Aida Morea, Esther Calvete
Psychometric Properties of an Online Administered Version of the Suicide Stroop Task
Emma H. Moscardini, Raymond P. Tucker
Narcissus Going Public: Pathological Narcissism and Reactions to Public vs. Private Exposure in Ego-relevant Events
- Open Access
Rossella Di Pierro, Erika Fanti, Marcello Gallucci, Fabio Madeddu, Emanuele Preti
The Dynamic Interplay of Anxious and Depressive Symptoms in a Sample of Undergraduate Students
- Open Access
Stefan Marian, Giulio Costantini, Irina Macsinga, Florin Alin Sava
Increasing the Efficiency of Diagnostic Interviews for Childhood Anxiety Disorders Through Joint Child-Parent Administration
Sarah Radtke, Stephen P. H. Whiteside, Thomas H. Ollendick
Assessing Internalizing Symptoms and Their Relation with Levels of Impairment: Evidence-Based Cutoffs for Interpreting Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) Scores
- Open Access
A. De la Rosa-Cáceres, O. M. Lozano, M. Sanchez-Garcia, F. Fernandez-Calderon, G. Rossi, C. Diaz-Batanero
Repetitive Negative Thinking Explains the Relationship Between Perceived Attentional Control and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms
Emily M. Bartholomay, Bryant M. Stone, Jennifer Koran, Throstur Björgvinsson, Sarah J. Kertz
Validating an Adapted Version of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire in Hong Kong Chinese
Herman Hay Ming Lo, Candice Ling Yuet Man Powell, Sunny Ho Wan Chan, Bobby Fook Hin Leung, Eileen Yuk Ha Tsang, Samuel Sze Ming Leung
School-Age Child Routines: Adaptation and Validation Studies of the Portuguese Version of the Child Routines Questionnaire
- Open Access
Sofia O. Major, Marta P. Alves, Ana I. Cunha, Catarina F. Pereira, Sara Sytsma Jordan
Multi-informant Assessment of Internalizing Concerns: Rater Concordance and Implications for Decision-Making
Nathaniel von der Embse, Eunsook Kim, Dorie Ross, Stephen Kilgus, Thomas Koza
Digital and In-Person Interpersonal Emotion Regulation: The Role of Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
Sean McFarland, Aleena Hay
Correction to: Digital and In-Person Interpersonal Emotion Regulation: The Role of Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
- Correction
Sean McFarland, Aleena Hay
The State of Current Knowledge on the Cultural Formulation Interview: A Scoping Review
Ahisha Jones-Lavallée, Gabriel Bernard, Jennifer Taing, Yvan Leanza