Uitgave 1/2020
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Necessity and concerns beliefs and HIV medication adherence: a systematic review
Luke D. Mitzel, Peter A. Vanable
HIV microaggressions: a novel measure of stigma-related experiences among people living with HIV
Lisa A. Eaton, Aerielle Allen, Jessica L. Maksut, Valerie Earnshaw, Ryan J. Watson, Seth C. Kalichman
Different associations of routine work time with exercise behavior and objectively measured physical activity among middle-aged and older adults: a daily and longitudinal analysis
Kazuhiro Harada, Kouhei Masumoto, Narihiko Kondo
Assessing the association of depression and anxiety with symptom reporting among individuals with type 2 diabetes
Arielle G. Asman, Claire J. Hoogendoorn, M. Diane McKee, Jeffrey S. Gonzalez
Sex, race, and the role of relationships in diabetes health: intersectionality matters
Jeanean B. Naqvi, Vicki S. Helgeson, Tiffany L. Gary-Webb, Mary T. Korytkowski, Howard J. Seltman
Proof of concept trial for a new theory-based intervention to promote child and adult behavior change
- Open Access
Christopher J. Armitage, Tanya Walsh, Jeanette Mooney, Stephanie Tierney, Peter Callery
Anxiety symptoms and smoking among Latinx adult smokers: the importance of sensitivity to internal cues in terms of dependence, barriers for quitting, and quit problems
Michael J. Zvolensky, Jafar Bakhshaie, Justin M. Shepherd, Lorra Garey, Andres G. Viana, Natalia Peraza
Do accelerometer-based physical activity patterns differentially affect cardiorespiratory fitness? A growth mixture modeling approach
Sophie Baumann, Diana Guertler, Franziska Weymar, Martin Bahls, Marcus Dörr, Neeltje van den Berg, Ulrich John, Sabina Ulbricht
Everyday stress components and physical activity: examining reactivity, recovery and pileup
David M. Almeida, David Marcusson-Clavertz, David E. Conroy, Jinhyuk Kim, Matthew J. Zawadzki, Martin J. Sliwinski, Joshua M. Smyth
Affective components of perceived risk mediate the relation between cognitively-based perceived risk and colonoscopy screening
Lynne B. Klasko-Foster, Marc T. Kiviniemi, Lina H. Jandorf, Deborah O. Erwin
How trauma influences cardiovascular responses to stress: contributions of posttraumatic stress and cognitive appraisals
Sharon Y. Lee, Crystal L. Park, Linda S. Pescatello
Dyadic associations between physical activity and body mass index in couples in which one partner has diabetes: results from the Lifelines cohort study
- Brief Report
Rachel J. Burns, Jennifer Fillo, Sonya S. Deschênes, Norbert Schmitz
Comment on “Urban building demolitions, firearm violence and drug crime”
- Letter to the Editor
Charles F. Klahm IV, Matthew Larson
A response to ‘Comment on “Urban building demolitions, firearm violence and drug crime”’
- Letter to the Editor
Jonathan Jay, Luke W. Miratrix, Charles C. Branas, Marc A. Zimmerman, David Hemenway