Uitgave 1-2/2023 Special Issue: Broad Perspectives in Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Confidence
Inhoudsopgave (31 Artikelen)
Broad perspectives in understanding vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence: an introduction to the special issue
Austin S. Baldwin, Jasmin A. Tiro, Gregory D. Zimet
Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected general vaccination hesitancy? Findings from a national study
Annie-Laurie McRee, Amy L. Gower, Dale E. Kiss, Paul L. Reiter
Hesitant but vaccinated: assessing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the recently vaccinated
Don E. Willis, James P. Selig, Jennifer A. Andersen, Spencer Hall, Emily Hallgren, Mark Williams, Keneshia Bryant-Moore, Pearl A. McElfish
COVID-19 vaccine uptake and attitudes towards mandates in a nationally representative U.S. sample
Julen N. Harris, Christine Mauro, Jane A. Andresen, Gregory D. Zimet, Susan L. Rosenthal
Perceptions and tolerance of uncertainty: relationship to trust in COVID-19 health information and vaccine hesitancy
Arielle S. Gillman, Liz Scharnetzki, Patrick Boyd, Rebecca A. Ferrer, William M. P. Klein, Paul K. J. Han
Is disgust proneness prospectively associated with influenza vaccine hesitancy and uptake?
Natalie J. Shook, Holly N. Fitzgerald, Benjamin Oosterhoff, Eva MacFarland, Barış Sevi
College students’ influenza vaccine hesitation: a reasoned action investigation with quantitative and qualitative data
Paul A. Mongeau, Yanqin Liu, Emi C. Hashi, Anthony J. Roberto
Predicting college students’ COVID-19 vaccination behavior: an application of the extended parallel process model
Anthony J. Roberto, Xin Zhou
HPV vaccine delay and refusal among unvaccinated Mexican American young adult women: a qualitative investigation of Mexican-born and US-born HPV vaccine decision narratives
Samantha Garcia, Suellen Hopfer, Hortensia Amaro, Sora Tanjasiri
Understanding medical mistrust and HPV vaccine hesitancy among multiethnic parents in Los Angeles
Jennifer Tsui, Bibiana Martinez, Michelle B. Shin, Alec Allee-Munoz, Ivonne Rodriguez, Jazmin Navarro, Kim R. Thomas-Barrios, W. Martin Kast, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati
Factors associated with latino sexual minority men’s likelihood and motivation for obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine: a mixed-methods study
Elliott R. Weinstein, Raymond Balise, Nicholas Metheny, Maria Jose Baeza Robba, Daniel Mayo, Cassandra Michel, Bill Chan, Steven A. Safren, Audrey Harkness
Social and structural determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among racial and ethnic groups
Juan M. Peña, Matthew R. Schwartz, Alexandra Hernandez-Vallant, Gabriel R. Sanchez
Narratives from African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latinx community members in Arizona to enhance COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination uptake
Matt Ignacio, Sabrina Oesterle, Micaela Mercado, Ann Carver, Gilberto Lopez, Wendy Wolfersteig, Stephanie Ayers, Seol Ki, Kathryn Hamm, Sairam Parthasarathy, Adam Berryhill, Linnea Evans, Samantha Sabo, Chyke Doubeni
Addressing racial/ethnic inequities in vaccine hesitancy and uptake: lessons learned from the California alliance against COVID-19
- Open Access
Mona AuYoung, Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa, Wei-ting Chen, Preeti Juturu, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young, Alejandra Casillas, Paris Adkins-Jackson, Suellen Hopfer, Ed Kissam, Audrey Kawaiopua Alo, Roberto A. Vargas, Arleen F. Brown
Doubt in store: vaccine hesitancy among grocery workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Brian Mayer, Sabrina Helm, Erin Heinz, Melissa Barnett, Mona Arora
Factors associated with mothers’ hesitancy to receive a COVID-19 vaccine
Molly E. Waring, Sherry L. Pagoto, Lauren R. Rudin, Chloe Ho, Alexa Horkachuck, Indra A. Kapoor, Quamyia Foye
The roots of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: evidence from Hungary
- Open Access
András Bíró-Nagy, Áron József Szászi
The mediating role of scientifical-medical satisfaction between COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and vaccine confidence: a two-waves structural equation model
- Open Access
Giuseppe Mignemi, Anna Panzeri, Umberto Granziol, Giovanni Bruno, Marco Bertamini, Giulio Vidotto, Andrea Spoto
HPV and COVID-19 vaccines: Social media use, confidence, and intentions among parents living in different community types in the United States
Jennifer A. Manganello, Shawn C. Chiang, Haley Cowlin, Matthew D. Kearney, Philip M. Massey
The Effect of Science-Related Populism on Vaccination Attitudes and Decisions
- Open Access
Sarah Kohler, Isabell Koinig
Exploring content of misinformation about HPV vaccine on twitter
Melanie L. Kornides, Sarah Badlis, Katharine J. Head, Mary Putt, Joseph Cappella, Graciela Gonzalez-Hernadez
Scaling up the discovery of hesitancy profiles by identifying the framing of beliefs towards vaccine confidence in Twitter discourse
Maxwell A. Weinzierl, Suellen Hopfer, Sanda M. Harabagiu
The effects of social-media based social comparison information and similarity mindsets on COVID-19 vaccination uptake cognitions
Noelle K. Herzog, Harika Vasireddy, Dylan A. Drenner, Jason P. Rose
Self-affirmation increases acceptance of information on COVID-19 vaccines and promotes vaccination intention
Shifeng Li, Yingchun Xia, Wei Zhao, Xiaohui Miao, Qiongying Xu
Vaccinating across the aisle: using co-partisan source cues to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the ideological right
Steven Sylvester, Matthew Motta, Kristin Lunz Trujillo, Timothy Callaghan
Promoting HPV vaccination among Latinx: an application of the extended parallel processing model
Jenna E. Reno, Amanda F. Dempsey
Is tailored messaging more effective? An analysis of a digital health intervention to promote HPV vaccination intent among Latinx
Jenna E. Reno, Carter Sevick, Julie Maertens, Amanda F. Dempsey
Understanding the Factors Influencing Health Care Provider Recommendations about Adolescent Vaccines: A Proposed Framework
Mallory K. Ellingson, Robert A. Bednarczyk, Sean T. O’Leary, Jason L. Schwartz, Eugene D. Shapiro, Linda M. Niccolai
Using Behavioral Science to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Cancer Survivors: Communication Strategies and Research Opportunities
Robin C. Vanderpool, Anna Gaysynsky, Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou, Emily S. Tonorezos