Uitgave 4/2009
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
Differentiating Among Children with PDD-NOS, ADHD, and those with a Combined Diagnosis on the Basis of WISC-III Profiles
- Open Access
- Original Paper
J. G. M. Scheirs, E. A. Timmers
Dimensional Structure of the Autism Phenotype: Relations Between Early Development and Current Presentation
- Original Paper
Inge Kamp-Becker, Mardjan Ghahreman, Judith Smidt, Helmut Remschmidt
The Prevalence and Phenomenology of Repetitive Behavior in Genetic Syndromes
- Original Paper
Joanna Moss, Chris Oliver, Kate Arron, Cheryl Burbidge, Katy Berg
Free Recall Learning of Hierarchically Organised Lists by Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome: Additional Evidence for Diminished Relational Processing
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Dermot M. Bowler, Sebastian B. Gaigg, John M. Gardiner
Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training to Improve Friendships in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Elizabeth A. Laugeson, Fred Frankel, Catherine Mogil, Ashley R. Dillon
Pragmatic Inferences in High-Functioning Adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Judith Pijnacker, Peter Hagoort, Jan Buitelaar, Jan-Pieter Teunisse, Bart Geurts
Effects of Low Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) on Gamma Frequency Oscillations and Event-Related Potentials During Processing of Illusory Figures in Autism
- Original Paper
Estate M. Sokhadze, Ayman El-Baz, Joshua Baruth, Grace Mathai, Lonnie Sears, Manuel F. Casanova
Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours, Sensory Processing and Cognitive Style in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Yu-Han Chen, Jacqui Rodgers, Helen McConachie
Delayed Self-recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Sophie E. Lind, Dermot M. Bowler
Verbal Peaks and Visual Valleys in Theory of Mind Ability in Williams Syndrome
- Original Paper
Andreia Santos, Christine Deruelle
Assessment of Autism in Community Settings: Discrepancies in Classification
- Original Paper
Marian E. Williams, Monique Atkins, Tamara Soles
Brief Report: Visuospatial Analysis and Self-Rated Autistic-Like Traits
- Brief Report
Emma J. Grinter, Pia L. Van Beek, Murray T. Maybery, David R. Badcock
Brief Report: The Level and Nature of Autistic Intelligence Revisited
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Sven Bölte, Isabel Dziobek, Fritz Poustka
Books Received for Review
- Announcement
- Acknowledgment