Uitgave 1/2008
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Associations between Marijuana Use During Emerging Adulthood and Aspects of the Significant Other Relationship in Young Adulthood
Judith S. Brook, Kerstin Pahl, Patricia Cohen
- Original Paper
The Retrospective Family Unpredictability Scale: Reliability and Validity
Lisa Thomson Ross, Jennifer A. McDuff
- Original Paper
Parenting Behavior and Cognitions in a Community Sample of Mothers with and without Symptoms of Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Tracy Banks, Jerilyn E. Ninowski, Eric J. Mash, Deborah L. Semple
- Original Paper
Reducing the Risk for Preschool Expulsion: Mental Health Consultation for Young Children with Challenging Behaviors
Deborah F. Perry, M. Clare Dunne, LaTanya McFadden, Doreen Campbell
- Original Paper
Early Parenting Intervention: Family Risk and First-time Parenting Related to Intervention Effectiveness
Mirjam N. Stolk, Judi Mesman, Jantien van Zeijl, Lenneke R. A. Alink, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Femmie Juffer, Hans M. Koot
- Original Paper
Implementation and Utilization Characteristics of a Rural, School-linked Mental Health Program
Garret D. Evans, Heidi Liss Radunovich, Michelle M. Cornette, Brenda A. Wiens, Antara Roy
- Original Paper
Potential Positive and Negative Consequences of Coresidence for Teen Mothers and their Children in Adult-Supervised Households
Elaine M. Eshbaugh
- Original Paper
Family Influences on Treatment Refusal in School-linked Mental Health Services
Mary L. Keeley, Brenda A. Wiens
- Original Paper
Perceptions of Family Relationship Factors and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: What Roles Do Parents and Gender Play?
Elaine M. Eshbaugh
- Original Paper
Profiles and Correlates of Children’s Self-Reported Coping Strategies Using a Cluster Analytic Approach
Ric G. Steele, Christopher C. Cushing, Jade A. Bender, Margaret M. Richards
- Original Paper
Exploring the Association between Aggression and Anxiety in Youth: A Look at Aggressive Subtypes, Gender, and Social Cognition
Monica A. Marsee, Carl F. Weems, Leslie K. Taylor