Uitgave 3/2008
Inhoudsopgave (23 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Growth of Head Circumference in Autistic Infants During the First Year of Life
Aya Fukumoto, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Hiromichi Ito, Mio Nishimura, Yoshimi Tsuda, Masahito Miyazaki, Kenji Mori, Kokichi Arisawa, Shoji Kagami
- Original Paper
Clinical Utility of Autism Spectrum Disorder Scoring Algorithms for the Child Symptom Inventory-4
Kenneth D. Gadow, Joseph Schwartz, Carla DeVincent, Greg Strong, Simone Cuva
- Original Paper
WISC-IV and WIAT-II Profiles in Children With High-Functioning Autism
Susan Dickerson Mayes, Susan L. Calhoun
- Original Paper
Does Parent Report of Behavior Differ Across ADOS-G Classifications: Analysis of Scores from the CBCL and GARS
Darryn M. Sikora, Trevor A. Hall, Sigan L. Hartley, Aimee E. Gerrard-Morris, Sarah Cagle
- Original Paper
Event Schemas in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Role of Theory of Mind and Weak Central Coherence
Eva Loth, Juan Carlos Gómez, Francesca Happé
- Original Paper
Dissociation of Cognitive and Emotional Empathy in Adults with Asperger Syndrome Using the Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET)
Isabel Dziobek, Kimberley Rogers, Stefan Fleck, Markus Bahnemann, Hauke R. Heekeren, Oliver T. Wolf, Antonio Convit
- Original Paper
Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised
Thomas W. Frazier, Eric A. Youngstrom, Cynthia S. Kubu, Leslie Sinclair, Ali Rezai
- Original Paper
Autism Prevalence Following Prenatal Exposure to Hurricanes and Tropical Storms in Louisiana
Dennis K. Kinney, Andrea M. Miller, David J. Crowley, Emerald Huang, Erika Gerber
- Original Paper
Urbanicity-related Variation in Help-seeking and Services Utilization among Preschool-age Children with Autism in Taiwan
Chuan-Yu Chen, Chieh-Yu Liu, Wen-Chuan Su, Su-Ling Huang, Keh-Ming Lin
Episodic and Semantic Autobiographical Memory in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Laura Crane, Lorna Goddard
- Original Paper
Visuo-spatial Processing in Autism—Testing the Predictions of Extreme Male Brain Theory
Christine M. Falter, Kate C. Plaisted, Greg Davis
- Original Paper
Diagnostic Validity of Sensory Over-Responsivity: A Review of the Literature and Case Reports
Stacey Reynolds, Shelly J. Lane
- Original Paper
PDD-NOS Symptoms in Adults with Intellectual Disability: Toward an Empirically Oriented Diagnostic Model
Johnny L. Matson, Jonathan Wilkins, Kimberly Smith, Martin Ancona
- Original Paper
Medical Expenditures for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Privately Insured Population
Tom T. Shimabukuro, Scott D. Grosse, Catherine Rice
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Eye Movements During Visual Search Tasks Indicate Enhanced Stimulus Discriminability in Subjects with PDD
Chantal Kemner, Lizet van Ewijk, Herman van Engeland, Ignace Hooge
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Heterogeneity of the Restricted, Repetitive Behaviours and Interests Domain of Autism: A Greek Study
Vaya Papageorgiou, Stelios Georgiades, Venos Mavreas
- Brief Report
Brief Report: The Effects of Tomatis Sound Therapy on Language in Children with Autism
Blythe A. Corbett, Kathryn Shickman, Emilio Ferrer
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Imitation of Meaningless Gestures in Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism
Heidi Stieglitz Ham, Martin Corley, Gnanathusharan Rajendran, Jean Carletta, Sara Swanson
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Perception of Genuine and Posed Smiles by Individuals with Autism
Zillah L. Boraston, Ben Corden, Lynden K. Miles, David H. Skuse, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Measuring the Effectiveness of Teaching Social Thinking to Children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA)
Pamela J. Crooke, Ryan E. Hendrix, Janine Y. Rachman