Uitgave 1/2007
Special Issue: Early Autism Phenotype
Inhoudsopgave (17 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
A Prospective Case Series of High-risk Infants who Developed Autism
Susan E. Bryson, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Jessica Brian, Wendy Roberts, Peter Szatmari, Vicki Rombough, Catherine McDermott
- Original paper
Stereotyped Motor Behaviors Associated with Autism in High-risk Infants: A Pilot Videotape Analysis of a Sibling Sample
Alvin Loh, Teesta Soman, Jessica Brian, Susan E. Bryson, Wendy Roberts, Peter Szatmari, Isabel M. Smith, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum
- Original Paper
Response to Joint Attention in Toddlers at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Prospective Study
Michelle Sullivan, Julianna Finelli, Alison Marvin, Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer, Margaret Bauman, Rebecca Landa
- Original Paper
The First Year Inventory: Retrospective Parent Responses to a Questionnaire Designed to Identify One-Year-Olds at Risk for Autism
Linda R. Watson, Grace T. Baranek, Elizabeth R. Crais, J. Steven Reznick, Jessica Dykstra, Twyla Perryman
- Original Paper
Parental Recognition of Developmental Problems in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Katarzyna Chawarska, Rhea Paul, Ami Klin, Sarah Hannigen, Laura E. Dichtel, Fred Volkmar
- Original Paper
Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Jennifer Richler, Somer L. Bishop, Jennifer R. Kleinke, Catherine Lord
- Original Paper
Sex Differences in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Alice S. Carter, David O. Black, Sonia Tewani, Christine E. Connolly, Mary Beth Kadlec, Helen Tager-Flusberg
- Original paper
Predictors of Optimal Outcome in Toddlers Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Saasha Sutera, Juhi Pandey, Emma L. Esser, Michael A. Rosenthal, Leandra B. Wilson, Marianne Barton, James Green, Sarah Hodgson, Diana L. Robins, Thyde Dumont-Mathieu, Deborah Fein
- Original Paper
Visual Fixation Patterns during Reciprocal Social Interaction Distinguish a Subgroup of 6-Month-Old Infants At-Risk for Autism from Comparison Infants
Noah Merin, Gregory S. Young, Sally Ozonoff, Sally J. Rogers
- Original Paper
Early Social and Emotional Communication in the Infant Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Examination of the Broad Phenotype
Tricia D. Cassel, Daniel S. Messinger, Lisa V. Ibanez, John D. Haltigan, Susan I. Acosta, Albert C. Buchman
- Original Paper
Effects of Different Attentional Cues on Responding to Joint Attention in Younger Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Alison G. Presmanes, Tedra A. Walden, Wendy L. Stone, Paul J. Yoder
- Original Paper
Early Social, Imitation, Play, and Language Abilities of Young Non-Autistic Siblings of Children with Autism
Karen Toth, Geraldine Dawson, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Jessica Greenson, Deborah Fein
- Original Paper
Variation in Vocal-Motor Development in Infant Siblings of Children with Autism
Jana M. Iverson, Robert H. Wozniak
- Original paper
The Development of Young Siblings of Children with Autism from 4 to 54 Months
Ifat Gamliel, Nurit Yirmiya, Marian Sigman
- Announcement
Request for Proposals Primary Research Program 2007
- Announcement
Division TEACCH Offers Classroom Training Program for Summer 2007 in Chapel Hill
Alice Wertheimer