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13-03-2019 | OriginalPaper

The Impact of Atypical Sensory Processing on Adaptive Functioning and Maladaptive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder During Childhood: Results From the ELENA Cohort

Auteurs: Florine Dellapiazza, Cécile Michelon, Marie-Joelle Oreve, Laurence Robel, Marie Schoenberger, Clarisse Chatel, Stéphanie Vesperini, Thierry Maffre, Richard Schmidt, Nathalie Blanc, Christelle Vernhet, Marie-Christine Picot, Amaria Baghdadli, ELENA study group

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 6/2020

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Atypical sensory processing is common in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but their role in adaptive difficulties and problem behaviors is poorly understood. Our aim was to determine the prevalence and type of atypical sensory processing in children with ASD and investigate its impact on their adaptive functioning and maladaptive behaviors. We studied a subsample of 197 children rigorously diagnosed with ASD from the ELENA cohort. Children were divided into atypical and typical sensory processing groups and several independent variables were compared, including adaptive functioning and maladaptive behaviors. Overall, 86.8% of the children had at least one atypical sensory pattern and all sensory modalities were disturbed. Atypical sensory processing explained a significant part of the variance of behavioral problems.
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The Impact of Atypical Sensory Processing on Adaptive Functioning and Maladaptive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder During Childhood: Results From the ELENA Cohort
Florine Dellapiazza
Cécile Michelon
Marie-Joelle Oreve
Laurence Robel
Marie Schoenberger
Clarisse Chatel
Stéphanie Vesperini
Thierry Maffre
Richard Schmidt
Nathalie Blanc
Christelle Vernhet
Marie-Christine Picot
Amaria Baghdadli
ELENA study group
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 6/2020
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432