Uitgave 2/2006
Inhoudsopgave (7 Artikelen)
- Original Article
Perceived duration of expected and unexpected stimuli
Rolf Ulrich, Judith Nitschke, Thomas Rammsayer
- Original Article
Perceptual or motor learning in SRT tasks with complex sequence structures
Natacha Deroost, Eric Soetens
- Original Article
Visual search for a motion singleton among coherently moving distractors
Ulrich Ansorge, Ingrid Scharlau, Kirsten Labudda
- Original Article
Intentional pre-cueing does not influence the Simon effect
Ivonne Buhlmann, Edmund Wascher
- Original Article
How does practice reduce dual-task interference: Integration, automatization, or just stage-shortening?
Eric Ruthruff, Mark Van Selst, James C. Johnston, Roger Remington
- Original Article
Can mirroring reveal image distortion? Illusory distortion induced by mirroring
Jun’ichiro Seyama, Ruth S Nagayama
- Original Article
The influence of intentional and incidental learning on acquiring spatial knowledge during navigation
Marieke van Asselen, Eva Fritschy, Albert Postma