Uitgave 11/2015
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Editorial Comment
Upper-extremity dysfunction following transradial percutaneous procedures: an overlooked and disregarded complication?
M.E.C.J. Hassell, J.J. Piek
- Open Access
- Review Article
Revealing the impact of local access-site complications and upper extremity dysfunction post transradial percutaneous coronary procedures
E.M. Zwaan, A.G.M.M. Koopman, C.A.J. Holtzer, F. Zijlstra, M.J.P.F. Ritt, G. Amoroso, E. Moerman, M.J.M. Kofflard, A.A.J. IJsselmuiden
- Open Access
Novel X-ray image noise reduction technology reduces patient radiation dose while maintaining image quality in coronary angiography
T. ten Cate, M. van Wely, H. Gehlmann, M. Mauti, C. Camaro, N. Reifart, H. Suryapranata, M.J. de Boer
- Open Access
- Editorial Comment
Tricky ticks: the importance of Lyme carditis recognition
J.A. Jansweijer, R.J. van Oort
- Open Access
- Original Article
General practitioner reported incidence of Lyme carditis in the Netherlands
A. Hofhuis, S.M. Arend, C.J. Davids, R. Tukkie, W. van Pelt
- Open Access
- Original article
Platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome, an underdiagnosed cause of hypoxaemia: four cases and the possible underlying mechanisms
M. Nassif, H. Lu, T.C. Konings, B.J. Bouma, A. Vonk Noordegraaf, B. Straver, N.A. Blom, S.A. Clur, A.P.C.M. Backx, M. Groenink, S.M. Boekholdt, D.R. Koolbergen, M.G. Hazekamp, B.J.M. Mulder, R.J. de Winter
- Open Access
- Editorial Comment
The changing landscape of infective endocarditis in the Netherlands
B.L.J.H. Kietselaer
- Open Access
- Original Article - Design Study Article
Trends in incidence of infective endocarditis at the Medical Center of Alkmaar
M.M.G. Krul, A.B.A. Vonk, J.H. Cornel
- Open Access
- Heart Beat
Transcoronary ethanol ablation for incessant ventricular tachycardia: a salvage technique when faced with left ventricular thrombus
A. Frontera, T.W. Johnson, G. Thomas, E. Duncan