Uitgave 6/2018
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Targeting and tailoring message-framing: the moderating effect of racial identity on receptivity to colorectal cancer screening among African–Americans
Todd Lucas, Mark Manning, Lenwood W. Hayman Jr., James Blessman
Dismantling the theory of planned behavior: evaluating the relative effectiveness of attempts to uniquely change attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control
Erika A. Montanaro, Trace S. Kershaw, Angela D. Bryan
Effects of respiratory and applied muscle tensing interventions on responses to a simulated blood draw among individuals with high needle fear
Jennifer M. Kowalsky, Robert Conatser, Thomas Ritz, Christopher R. France
Parents have both implicit and explicit biases against children with obesity
Janet A. Lydecker, Elizabeth O’Brien, Carlos M. Grilo
Methamphetamine-associated dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis
Deborah L. Jones, Adam W. Carrico, Suat Babayigit, Violeta J. Rodriguez, Carlos Aguila, Mahendra Kumar
Relationships between dispositional mindfulness, health behaviors, and hemoglobin A1c among adults with type 2 diabetes
J. Fanning, C. Y. Osborn, A. E. Lagotte, L. S. Mayberry
Self-regulation and obesity: the role of executive function and delay discounting in the prediction of weight loss
- Open Access
Fania C. M. Dassen, Katrijn Houben, Vanessa Allom, Anita Jansen
Longitudinal relationship between onset of physical symptoms and functional impairment
Lisa M. McAndrew, Drew A. Helmer, Shou-En Lu, Helena K. Chandler, Sarah Slotkin, Karen S. Quigley
Pain catastrophizing, activity engagement and pain willingness as predictors of the benefits of multidisciplinary cognitive behaviorally-based chronic pain treatment
Jordi Miró, Elena Castarlenas, Rocío de la Vega, Santiago Galán, Elisabet Sánchez-Rodríguez, Mark P. Jensen, Douglas Cane
Recovery from stress: an experimental examination of focused attention meditation in novices
Amy R. Borchardt, Peggy M. Zoccola
Self-compassion, chronic age-related stressors, and diurnal cortisol secretion in older adulthood
Heather Herriot, Carsten Wrosch, Jean-Philippe Gouin
Independent and relative effects of stress, depressive symptoms, and affect on college students’ daily health behaviors
Elizabeth D. Dalton, Constance L. Hammen
Past, present or future? Word tense and affect in autobiographical narratives of women with HIV in relation to health indicators
Yudelki M. Firpo-Perretti, Mardge H. Cohen, Kathleen M. Weber, Leslie R. Brody
Correction To: Past, present or future? Word tense and affect in autobiographical narratives of women with HIV in relation to health indicators
- Correction
Yudelki M. Firpo-Perretti, Mardge H. Cohen, Kathleen M. Weber, Leslie R. Brody
Self-control as measured by delay discounting is greater among successful weight losers than controls
- Brief Report
Warren K. Bickel, Lara N. Moody, Mikhail Koffarnus, J. Graham Thomas, Rena Wing