Uitgave 8/2012
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
Perinatal Factors, Parenting Behavior, and Reactive Aggression: Does Cortisol Reactivity Mediate this Developmental Risk Process?
Stacy R. Ryan, Julia C. Schechter, Patricia A. Brennan
Diversity in Pathways to Common Childhood Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Michelle M. Martel, Molly Nikolas, Katherine Jernigan, Karen Friderici, Joel T. Nigg
Violence Exposure Mediates the Relation Between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Offending Patterns in Adolescents
Aisha L. Howard, Eva R. Kimonis, Luna C. Muñoz, Paul J. Frick
Effects of Parenting and Deviant Peers on Early to Mid-Adolescent Conduct Problems
Linda Trudeau, W. Alex Mason, G. Kevin Randall, Richard Spoth, Ekaterina Ralston
Testing Whether and When Parent Alcoholism Uniquely Affects Various Forms of Adolescent Substance Use
Andrea M. Hussong, Wenjing Huang, Daniel Serrano, Patrick J. Curran, Laurie Chassin
Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Smoking and Childhood Behavioural Problems: A Quasi-experimental Approach
Cathal McCrory, Richard Layte
Longitudinal Predictors of School-Age Academic Achievement: Unique Contributions of Toddler-Age Aggression, Oppositionality, Inattention, and Hyperactivity
Lauretta M. Brennan, Daniel S. Shaw, Thomas J. Dishion, Melvin Wilson
Parent-Reported Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptomatology in Preschool-Aged Children: Factor Structure, Developmental Change, and Early Risk Factors
Michael T. Willoughby, Jolynn Pek, Mark T. Greenberg
A Cross-Lagged Model of the Development of ADHD Inattention Symptoms and Rapid Naming Speed
Anne B. Arnett, Bruce F. Pennington, Erik Willcutt, Julia Dmitrieva, Brian Byrne, Stefan Samuelsson, Richard K. Olson
Factor Structure of a Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale in Clinically-Referred Children
Lisa A. Jacobson, Sarah C. Murphy-Bowman, Alison E. Pritchard, Ariana Tart-Zelvin, T. Andrew Zabel, E. Mark Mahone
Semantic Language as a Mechanism Explaining the Association between ADHD Symptoms and Reading and Mathematics Underachievement
Monica L. Gremillion, Michelle M. Martel
Evaluating a Comprehensive Strategy to Improve Engagement to Group-based Behavioral Parent Training for High-risk Families of Children with ADHD
Anil Chacko, Brian T. Wymbs, Alyssa Chimiklis, Frances A. Wymbs, William E. Pelham
Maternal Over-Control Moderates the Association Between Early Childhood Behavioral Inhibition and Adolescent Social Anxiety Symptoms
Erin Lewis-Morrarty, Kathryn A. Degnan, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Kenneth H. Rubin, Charissa S. L. Cheah, Daniel S. Pine, Heather A. Henderon, Nathan A. Fox
Doll Play Narratives About Starting School in Children of Socially Anxious Mothers, and Their Relation to Subsequent Child School-Based Anxiety
Laura Pass, Adriane Arteche, Peter Cooper, Cathy Creswell, Lynne Murray
Association between Depressive Symptoms and Negative Dependent Life Events from Late Childhood to Adolescence
Daniel P. Johnson, Mark A. Whisman, Robin P. Corley, John K. Hewitt, Soo Hyun Rhee