Uitgave 7/2012
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
- Open Access
Friendship Context Matters: Examining the Domain Specificity of Alcohol and Depression Socialization Among Adolescents
Matteo Giletta, Ron H. J. Scholte, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Emanuela Rabaglietti, William J. Burk
Substance Use Progression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: Effortful Control in the Context of Friendship Influence and Early-Onset Use
Timothy F. Piehler, Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Thomas J. Dishion
Etiological Distinctions between Aggressive and Non-aggressive Antisocial Behavior: Results from a Nuclear Twin Family Model
S. Alexandra Burt, Kelly L. Klump
Anger and Irritability Symptoms among Youth with ODD: Cross-Informant Versus Source-Exclusive Syndromes
Kenneth D. Gadow, Deborah A. G. Drabick
Developmental Trajectories of Chinese Children’s Relational and Physical Aggression: Associations with Social-Psychological Adjustment Problems
Yoshito Kawabata, Wan-Ling Tseng, Dianna Murray-Close, Nicki R. Crick
Callous-Unemotional Traits as Unique Prospective Risk Factors for Substance Use in Early Adolescent Boys and Girls
Brian T. Wymbs, Carolyn A. McCarty, Kevin M. King, Elizabeth McCauley, Ann Vander Stoep, John S. Baer, Daniel A. Waschbusch
Emotion Dysregulation as a Mechanism Linking Stress Exposure to Adolescent Aggressive Behavior
Kate L. Herts, Katie A. McLaughlin, Mark L. Hatzenbuehler
Joint Trajectories of Symptoms of Disruptive Behavior Problems and Depressive Symptoms During Early Adolescence and Adjustment Problems During Emerging Adulthood
Wendy M. Reinke, J. Mark Eddy, Thomas J. Dishion, John B. Reid
Children’s Sympathy for Peers Who Are the Targets of Peer Aggression
Julie Paquette MacEvoy, Stephen S. Leff
Getting Out of Rumination: Comparison of Three Brief Interventions in a Sample of Youth
Lori M. Hilt, Seth D. Pollak
A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Shyness from Infancy to Adolescence: Stability, Age-Related Changes, and Prediction of Socio-Emotional Functioning
Evalill Karevold, Eivind Ystrom, Robert J. Coplan, Ann V. Sanson, Kristin S. Mathiesen
Memory in Early Onset Bipolar Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Similarities and Differences
Anne H Udal, Bjørg Øygarden, Jens Egeland, Ulrik F Malt, Berit Groholt
Improving Working Memory in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: The Separate and Combined Effects of Incentives and Stimulant Medication
Michael T. Strand, Larry W. Hawk Jr., Michelle Bubnik, Keri Shiels, William E. Pelham Jr., James G. Waxmonsky
- Erratum
Erratum to: Youth Appraisals of Inter-parental Conflict and Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Examination of GxE Effects in a Twin Sample
Molly Nikolas, Kelly L. Klump, S. Alexandra Burt