Uitgave 3/2018
Inhoudsopgave (18 Artikelen)
Disentangling Child-Specific and Family-Wide Processes Underlying Negative Mother-Child Transactions
André Plamondon, Dillon T. Browne, Sheri Madigan, Jennifer M. Jenkins
Parenting Stress through the Lens of Different Clinical Groups: a Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
Nicole E. Barroso, Lucybel Mendez, Paulo A. Graziano, Daniel M. Bagner
Maternal Executive Functioning and Scaffolding in Families of Children with and without Parent-Reported ADHD
Heather Mazursky-Horowitz, Sharon R. Thomas, Kelsey E. Woods, Jeffrey S. Chrabaszcz, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano
- Open Access
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms in Children Adopted from Poland and their Atypical Association Patterns: a Bayesian Approach
Donna A. de Maat, Sandra Knuiman, Catharina H. A. M. Rijk, René A. C. Hoksbergen, Anneloes L. van Baar
Applied Problem Solving in Children with ADHD: The Mediating Roles of Working Memory and Mathematical Calculation
Lauren M. Friedman, Mark D. Rapport, Sarah A. Orban, Samuel J. Eckrich, Catrina A. Calub
Bending the Curve: A Community-Based Behavioral Parent Training Model to Address ADHD-Related Concerns in the Voluntary Sector in Denmark
Anil Chacko, Christoffer Scavenius
Aggressive Male Juvenile Offenders with Callous-Unemotional Traits Show Aberrant Attentional Orienting to Distress Cues
Eva R. Kimonis, Nicole Graham, Elizabeth Cauffman
Will Victims Become Aggressors or Vice Versa? A Cross-Lagged Analysis of School Aggression
Shui-fong Lam, Wilbert Law, Chi-Keung Chan, Xiao Zhang, Bernard P. H. Wong
Treatment Effect on Recidivism for Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: a Multilevel Meta-Analysis
Ellis ter Beek, Anouk Spruit, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Rachel E. A. van der Rijken, Jan Hendriks, Geert Jan J. M. Stams
Parent-Offspring Transmission of Internalizing and Sensory over-Responsivity Symptoms in Adolescence
Carol A. Van Hulle, Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, H. Hill Goldsmith
Emotion-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Trial
Cynthia Suveg, Anna Jones, Molly Davis, Marni L. Jacob, Diana Morelen, Kristel Thomassin, Monica Whitehead
Peer Victimization and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Depressed Adolescents
Jeremy G. Stewart, Linda Valeri, Erika C. Esposito, Randy P. Auerbach
Effect of Parenting and Peer Stressors on Cognitive Vulnerability and Risk for Depression among Youth
Caroline W. Oppenheimer, Benjamin L. Hankin, Jami Young
Stress Reactivity as a Pathway from Attentional Control Deficits in Everyday Life to Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Girls
Karen D. Rudolph, Jennifer D. Monti, Megan Flynn
Associations between Race and Eating Disorder Symptom Trajectories in Black and White Girls
Lindsay P. Bodell, Jennifer E. Wildes, Yu Cheng, Andrea B. Goldschmidt, Kate Keenan, Alison E. Hipwell, Stephanie D. Stepp
Developmental Changes in Pretend Play from 22- to 34-Months in Younger Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Susan B. Campbell, Amanda S. Mahoney, Jessie Northrup, Elizabeth L. Moore, Nina B. Leezenbaum, Celia A. Brownell
- Correction
Correction to: Emotion Regulation via the Autonomic Nervous System in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Erica D. Musser, Richard W. Backs, Colleen F. Schmitt, Jennifer C. Ablow, Jeffery R. Measelle, Joel T. Nigg