01-09-2006 | Artikelen
Het ervaren en uiten van emoties door Marokkaans-Nederlandse en autochtoon-Nederlandse kinderen
Gepubliceerd in: Kind en adolescent | Uitgave 3/2006
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Novin, S., & Rieffe, C. J. (2006). Experience and expression of emotions among Moroccan-Dutch and native Dutch children, Kind en Adolescent, 27 (3), 169-179.
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of culture on the experience and expression by children of emotions in frustrating social situations. The responses of native Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch children revealed several cultural differences depending on the presence of a family member or peer. Moroccan-Dutch children with a father or older brother reported a negative emotion less often than their native Dutch peers. Moreover, they were more likely to conceal a negative emotion and to give a socially acceptable response. These differences did not occur with respect to conflict situations with peers.