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01-05-2012 | Original paper

Can Child Care Workers Contribute to the Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Comparison Between Screening Instruments with Child Care Workers Versus Parents as Informants

Auteurs: Mieke Dereu, Ruth Raymaekers, Petra Warreyn, Inge Schietecatte, Mieke Meirsschaut, Herbert Roeyers

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 5/2012

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Several screening instruments for ASD in young children were developed during the last decades. Only few studies compare the discriminative power of these instruments in the same sample. In particular comparisons of instruments that use different informants are scarce in young children. The current study compared the discriminant ability of the Checklist for Early Signs of Developmental Disorders (CESDD) filled out by child care workers with that of frequently used parent questionnaires in a sample of 357 children between 5.57 and 48.13 months old who showed signs of ASD or language delay. The discriminant power of the CESDD was as good as that of parent questionnaires. Therefore, inclusion of child care workers in the early detection of ASD seems promising.
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Can Child Care Workers Contribute to the Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Comparison Between Screening Instruments with Child Care Workers Versus Parents as Informants
Mieke Dereu
Ruth Raymaekers
Petra Warreyn
Inge Schietecatte
Mieke Meirsschaut
Herbert Roeyers
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 5/2012
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432

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