Uitgave 3/2021
Inhoudsopgave (13 Artikelen)
Cognitive and Affective Risk Beliefs and their Association with Protective Health Behavior in Response to the Novel Health Threat of COVID-19
Renee E. Magnan, Laurel P. Gibson, Angela D. Bryan
Contextual influences on the within-person association between physical activity and affect in adolescents: an ecological momentary assessment study
Matthew Bourke, Toni A. Hilland, Melinda Craike
Misinformation and other elements in HPV vaccine tweets: an experimental comparison
William A. Calo, Melissa B. Gilkey, Parth D. Shah, Anne-Marie Dyer, Marjorie A. Margolis, Susan Alton Dailey, Noel T. Brewer
Temporal and social comparative self-assessments of physical health in young, middle-aged, and young-old adults in the MIDUS study
Jerry Suls, Rebecca A. Ferrer, William M. P. Klein
Quantifying direct effects of social determinants of health on systolic blood pressure in United States adult immigrants
Aprill Z. Dawson, Rebekah J. Walker, Chris Gregory, Leonard E. Egede
The association between psychological functioning and social support and social constraint after cancer diagnosis: a 30-day daily diary study
Jessica N. Rivera-Rivera, Christal L. Badour, Jessica L. Burris
Connect through PLAY: a randomized-controlled trial in afterschool programs to increase adolescents’ physical activity
Nicole Zarrett, Lauren H. Law, Dawn K. Wilson, Michelle Abraczinskas, Stephen Taylor, Brittany S. Cook, Alex Roberts
Anxiety sensitivity, pain severity and co-use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes among adults with chronic pain
Jessica M. Powers, Lisa R. LaRowe, Emma C. Lape, Michael J. Zvolensky, Joseph W. Ditre
Diabetes-specific friend support in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: Does satisfaction with support matter?
Koen Raymaekers, Vicki S. Helgeson, Sofie Prikken, Janne Vanhalst, Philip Moons, Eva Goossens, Cynthia A. Berg, Koen Luyckx
The relationship between sleep and opioids in chronic pain patients
Amy Frers, Jonathan Shaffer, Jack Edinger, Amy Wachholtz
Psychosocial interventions to reduce eating pathology in bariatric surgery patients: a systematic review
Alison Kaylen-Reynard Newman, Sylvia Herbozo, Andrea Russell, Heather Eisele, Lindsay Zasadzinski, Chandra Hassan, Lisa Sanchez-Johnsen